
Friday, June 1, 2018

Flames of Florence by Donna Russo Morin

Historical Thriller
Date Published: May 8, 2018
Publisher: Diversion

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"A glittering Renaissance gem of a novel. Donna Russo
Morin, a master of her craft, has penned an intricate story full of lush
historical detail with a plot that will leave you breathless." —Tasha
Alexander, New York Times bestselling author of Death in St. Petersburg

In her final standalone novel featuring Da Vinci's Disciples,
Donna Russo Morin delivers a thrilling story of the secret female artists of
Florence, under the tutelage of Leonardo Da Vinci, and their heroic,
potentially deadly efforts to save great works of art from the infamous Bonfire
of the Vanities.

"Illicit plots, mysterious paintings, and Leonardo da
Vinci all have their part to play in this delicious, heart-pounding work."
—Kate Quinn, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of The Alice

Lorenzo de Medici is dead, and his son Piero has brought war
and famine upon the city of Florence. Yet, the glory that is Renaissance
artistry grows more magnificent, as does the work of the women known as Da
Vinci's Disciples. Now they face their most dangerous challenge, one shrouded
in the cloak of a monk.

From the ashes of war, Friar Girolamo Savonarola rises. Some
call him a savior and a prophet, a man willing to overthrow tyrannical rulers
and corrupt clergy, the Borgia Pope among them. Fra Girolamo is determined to
remold Florence from an avaricious, secular culture to a paragon of Christian

Many call Savonarola a delusional heretic, incapable of
anything but self-serving fanaticism. When he sets out to destroy all secular
art forms, Da Vinci's Disciples call him an enemy … but not all of them.

"Like a glorious Italian fresco-richly textured and
vividly portrayed … Highly recommended for lovers of history, art, and
courageous women." —Anna Lee Huber, bestselling author of the Lady Darby

"Donna Russo Morin renders one of the most tumultuous
periods in Florence's history in bright colors and with vivid descriptions.
This tale of a group of determined women standing up for what they believe in …
will absolutely resonate with modern readers." —Alyssa Palombo, author of
The Most Beautiful Woman in Florence


Chapter One
“The world is never still;
It moves forward whether we wish it to or not.”

Their faces had changed. Time had marched across some, leaving its tracks. New faces had sprouted like the first crocuses of spring. Yet whatever form they took, they stood by each other as life spun its web
around them.
They stood in the sun now, free of the shadows, with its warmth fluttering down upon their shoulders. She had been one of the first, one of the founders, a tender, delicate bloom of wisdom. She had been with them at the other funeral, that of the man whose life had made the transformation in theirs possible. The man who had changed all of Florence, planting seeds of it, reveling in their blossoms, and sharing their glory with the world. He had known the importance of art, had tended to it the way it needed to flourish, as they had flourished.
Together, they had survived as Florence had survived: barely. The Medicis, doomed since the death of Lorenzo “Il Magnifico” de’ Medici, had been ousted. War had weakened Florence’s trunk as well as her branches. And strangeness had descended upon them in the form of a tonsured, cloaked figure, a shadow whose length grew ever longer, all encompassing.
Hope born on audacity and raised on bravery had changed them. As they watched their dearest friend lowered into the ground where her ashes would live forever, they knew they too would remain eternal; they would be, now and forever…Da Vinci’s Disciples.

Isabetta and Gianetta walked to the mercato as they did most days. Both understood the depth of kindness Andreano and Mattea had shown them, taking them in as they had done. For Gianetta, her cousin’s kindness went far deeper, for he accepted his role as her guardian without hesitation. They returned such kindness, though in a small manner, by making for the markets early each morning, to buy the freshest fruit and vegetables the farmers delivered to the city. As a widow, Isabetta walked about as she pleased, no chaperone necessary, nor a veil upon her head. Gianetta, a young unmarried woman, could never be seen out of doors without her veil, not a terrible hardship with its embroidered lace sprinkledminutely by small jewels.
“I hope there is some fresh lamb,” Gianetta chirped. “We havenot been able to find any in quite some time.”
“That would be nice,” Isabetta agreed.
Both women struggled to speak of inconsequential things. Life had been far too full of serious conversations; at times, the mind needed the triviality of life for it to feel real.
“And perhaps—ahia!” Gianetta’s scream pierced the still morning air.
Isabetta spun, seeing the three boys—all robed in white—rushing away from them, one holding Gianetta’s veil in her hand—strands and roots of her hair still within the teeth of itsc omb—having yanked it from her head. With swiftness of foot, Isabetta caught up to them, ran before them, and stopped.
“May we help you, signora?” the oldest of the three, perhaps as old as twelve or thirteen, asked of her.
Her lip curled as she fell on them hard.
“How dare you!” she spat at them.
The boys looked the very portrait of innocent incomprehension.
“We do nothing more than our job.”
“Your job?” Isabetta’s head rocked back and forth as she scoffed at them. “It is your job to accost young women?”
“No, signora,” another replied, a golden haired child no more than ten. “We are to remove all…all…” his eyes rolled up in hishead as he searched for the words, “…all vain glories from the
streets of Florence.”
“Vain glories? What nonsense is this?”
“As I said, signora,” the first spoke again, taking a step toward her. If he hoped it would make her take a step back, he was disappointed.
“We do our job. Nothing more and nothing less.”
“And this is what your master tells you to do?”
The boy puffed up his chest. “Sì, signora.”
Isabetta longed to slap the smirk from his face. Instead, she leaned over and leaned down, her head only inches from the oldest.
“Tell your master, Isabetta Fioravanti believes he is deranged and dangerous.”
The boy twitched beneath his pristine robe, his agitation and anger longing for release. His hands fisted by his side as his eyes narrowed to slits.
“Go on, boy,” Isabetta goaded, “if you dare. Look in my eye and ask yourself if I could not slap you raw.” She held up a hand. “No, not could I, but would I?”
Their gazes locked together in battle, neither giving way.
“Come,” the smallest of the boys pulled upon his cohort.
Come, Alberto.”
Alberto, as he was, began to step away, stepping backward from them.
“Grazie, signora,” he bowed to Isabetta, “for the gift of your name.”
He need not say more, nor did she.
Only when they were out of sight did Isabetta return to
Gianetta’s side, examining her head, finding pinpricks of blood on her scalp.
“Do you feel well enough for the mercato?” Isabetta asked of her.
Gianetta nodded her stinging head, covered it as best she could with her small lace handkerchief retrieved from her waist purse, and they began to walk once more.
“You act rashly,” Gianetta chastised her.
“That man is a rash,” Isabetta responded, “and I believe we have just caught it.”
Gianetta grabbed her arm. “You and I?”
Isabetta shook her head. “No. Florence.”

About the Author

Donna Russo Morin’s passion for the written word began when
she was a child, took on a feminist edge as she grew through the sixties, and
blossomed into a distinctive style of action-filled historical fiction at a
defining moment in her life. As a second-generation American of full Italian
descent, Donna combined her historical research with her genealogical studies,
finding that her birth name (Russo) and her family roots are traceable to ninth
century Florence…the very city in which the Da Vinci’s Disciples trilogy is

Donna Russo (Morin) is the internationally published author
of six multi-award-winning historical novels including PORTRAIT OF A
CONSPIRACY: Da Vinci’s Disciples Book One (a finalist in Foreword Reviews BEST
BOOK OF THE YEAR), and THE COMPETITION: Da Vinci’s Disciples Book Two (EDITOR’S
CHOICE, Historical Novel Society Review). The final book in her Da Vinci’s
Disciples trilogy, THE FLAMES OF FLORENCE, releases May 8, 2018. Also this
summer, my novel, inspired by our own home state, GILDED SUMMERS: A Novel of
Newport’s Gilded Age will also release this summer. Her other titles include
The King’s Agent, recipient of a starred review in Publishers Weekly, The
Courtier’s Secret, The Secret of the Glass, and To Serve a King.

A 25-year professional editor/story consultant, her work
spans more than 40 manuscripts.  She
holds a BA in Communications and an A.A. in English Literature.  Donna teaches writing courses at her state’s
most prestigious adult learning center, online for Writer’s Digest University,
and has presented at national and academic conferences for over ten years.  In addition to her writing, Donna has worked
as a model and an actor with appearances in Showtime’s Brotherhood and Martin
Scorsese’s The Departed. Currently under contract to a consortium of
international producers, Donna has added screenwriting to her professional

Her sons—Devon, an opera singer; and Dylan, a chef—are still,
and always will be, her greatest works.

Contact Links
Twitter: @DonnaRussoMorin
Instagram @donnarm.telleroftales

Purchase Links

RABT Book Tours & PR

White Knight by Annie Dyer

Title: White Knight
Series: Callaghan Green Series Book Two
Author: Annie Dyer
Genre: Contemporary Romance Standalone
Release Date: June 1, 2018

Back then things were simple, being together was easy and exciting. Back then, their only concern was keeping their relationship secret from her brothers. Until she had a choice to make; the hardest decision she ever had to face. 

Claire Callaghan has dedicated her adult life to two things: her career as a family lawyer and trying to move on from the love she had to give up. Killian O’Hara has spent years fighting for his country, growing his business, and trying to forget how it ended back then, all the while wondering why Claire took herself out of his life, breaking his heart. 

But fate has a funny way of bringing the past into the present.

Claire’s latest case puts her in danger, not just from the man who her client needs to hide from, but from the man she’s had to leave behind. Killian can protect her, if she’ll let him, because being close to him reopens old wounds. All he wants is to try again, to prove he’s the man she needs and maybe an explanation.

However, even choices made long ago have consequences, and only Claire can decide if she can give both Killian and herself a second chance at the happily ever after they never had – back then.

White Knight is the second in the Callaghan Green series. Each book is a standalone and can be read separately from the others.


The Staircase of Fire by Ben Woodard

BeachBoundBooks is pleased to be coordinating a Blog Tour for Ben Woodard's newest young adult mystery, The Staircase of Fire. The tour will run May 23 - June 13, 2018.

About the Book

Title: The Staircase of Fire (A Shakertown Adventure, Book 3)

Author: Ben Woodard

Genre: Young Adult Mystery

Number of Pages: 276

Publisher: Miller-Martin Press

Publication Date: May 25, 2018

Summary: A quiet town in Kentucky explodes from a racial incident and fourteen-year-old Tom Wallace is in the thick of it. His past haunts him and now he’s witness to a horrific event leaving him devastated and afraid. He must escape his town and its memories. But leaving has consequences, too. He will have to betray his friends and his new love.

Nothing stops his nightmares. Not high risk activities or running away. But when his past returns, Tom is forced to confront his greatest fear and finally realizes he cannot escape himself. Now he has to take a stand that could change his life—or end it.

“…a highly recommended pick for teens looking for something different…”

D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

iTunes ~ Kobo ~ Barnes & Noble

Every night when Tom went to sleep, He thought of her. Every night when he closed his eyes, he saw her face. But he never cried.
“I’m so sorry, Tom, but you know, we can’t tell anyone we saw this. The Klan would come after us.”
Tom didn’t reply.
“Please, Tom, don’t tell anyone. They will kill us—and our families.”
Tom nodded slightly. He was afraid for Helen.
They separated and as he watched Helen disappear into the woods, the world changed.
The leaves drooped and the trees sighed. Creatures stilled and his heart ached.
Death surrounded him. A cloud. a fog, a mist of death.
Enveloped him, chilled him, terrified him. Mary was dead. Mama was dead. Now one more death.
Why was he alive?
He slumped against a shagbark hickory.
“I’ll find out who the Grand Dragon is,” he screamed, “and I will kill him. With a gun, or my bow, or my hands.”
Tom’s fists lashed out at the loose bark pounding it until blood splattered chips littered the ground.
Then the sweats started. Tom dropped to his knees and gasped for air.
He wrapped his arms around the tree and gagged. Retching as the sweat turned to chills. He shivered and threw up into the grass. Again and again until the last of his breakfast competed with morning dew to cover the ground.
He collapsed on the cool dirt and curled into a ball. He lay there gulping for breath thinking how he couldn’t go on. The pain was too much.
Tom used the tree to pull himself up, but his knees buckled and he hugged the tree waiting until he regained his strength and then struggled back to the West Lot house.

Other books in the series...

A Stairway to Danger (A Shakertown Adventure, Book 1)

An eyeless body. A menacing stranger. And a tangled mystery.

It’s the summer of 1923 and two cousins hunting for hidden gold stumble on an decayed body. Fourteen-year-old Tom Wallace is convinced the death was murder and drags his older cousin into a harrowing struggle against a shadowy group. Not even attempts on their lives can stop the boys from relentlessly pursuing the mystery. But when their curiosity leads them to investigate a derelict barge, what they find is bigger and more dangerous than anything they could have imagined.

A STAIRWAY TO DANGER is a fun-filled thriller with humor and adventure in a Twain-like setting.

Winner! Orangeberry Hall of Fame Best Young Adult novel for 2013

Steps Into Darkness (A Shakertown Adventure, Book 2)

Explosions, sabotage, deadly warnings, and a dangerous red-haired man. Imagine The Hardy Boys meet Tom Sawyer. Add a layer of teen angst and excitement plus a mysterious group stirring up racial tensions.

That’s STEPS INTO DARKNESS, the second book in the Shakertown Adventure Series by Ben Woodard.

Fourteen-year-old Tom Wallace again makes plans to escape the small town in the 1923 Kentucky countryside—the town that won’t let him forget his past, when a horrific event changes his mind. He teams with his cousin, Will, and young FBI agent Rick Sweeney to solve a perplexing mystery. Attempts on the boys’ lives and a bewildering list of suspects keep them on edge and confused until they discover the real villain—and then wish they hadn’t.

STEPS INTO DARKNESS is a fun, page-turning thriller with a hint of romance that delivers adventure and mystery while exploring the fears of a teen living with a frightful memory.

About the Author

Ben is a (mostly) retired amateur adventurer who has traveled across Tibet, climbed to 18,000 feet on Mt. Everest, and solo backpacked wilderness areas. Now his adventures come in the form of imagining stories, writing and telling them to kids and teens. He works with teachers, schools and literacy organizations spreading the word that books are vital—and fun.

Book Blast Giveaway

Prize: One winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card or $25 PayPal cash prize, winner's choice

Giveaway ends: June 13, 11:59 pm, 2018

Open to: Internationally

How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.

Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Ben Woodard and is hosted and managed by Stacie from BeachBoundBooks. If you have any additional questions feel free to send an email to

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Unforgettable Love A Clean Romance Event Hosted by I Am A Reader

Unforgettable Love
A Clean Romance Event
Hosted by I Am A Reader

During the month of June, we will be featuring 14 fabulous authors who write clean romance.

There will be giveaways, free ebooks and great deals on books!

Check out this great list of authors we will be spotlighting!

We are starting off with a $100 Giveaway!

Giveaway Details

One lucky winner will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Code or $100 in Paypal Cash.

Ends 6/30/18

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via PayPal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the participating authors. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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A Little Harmless Faith by Melissa Schroeder blitz

A Little Harmless Faith
Melissa Schroeder
(The Wulf Siblings, #1)
Publication date: June 1st 2018
Genres: Adult, Romance
What can a Dom do, when he realizes the one woman he could never live without in business is the woman he needs in his bed?
Jensen Wulf has everything a man could want. Money, power, and more women than he can count. Unfortunately, the one woman he needs is the one woman who is off limits. His personal assistant practically runs his entire family business and any entanglements with her would be a mistake. Still, his infatuation turns to obsession when he realizes she is secretly a submissive.
Nicola McCann knows dreams don’t always come true. She walked away from an olympic career and knows there is no future for her and Jensen beyond the job. It doesn’t stop her from fantasizing about him. He is the ultimate Dom and the sub in her wants him more than her next breath. When he discovers her secret, she gives into her needs with one rule: their D/s relationship ends when they leave Hawaii.
That agreement doesn’t keep either of them from falling in love, even though neither of them will admit it. When someone starts taking potshots at Wulf Industries and Nicola gets caught in the crossfire, both of them will learn that there are worse things than admitting love.
>>Warning: This book contains two hard-headed lovers, many nasty quips, uncovered secrets, Hawaiian scenery, a trip to Rough n Ready, spankings, and scenes so hot you might need an ice cold shower when you are done.
This book is part of the Wulf Siblings Trilogy but it is part of the Harmless Series. They are NOT serials.
“What are we going to do about this?”
She held her cup against her lips and studied him. “What?”
That was the way she was going to play it? The woman really was a piece of work. Jensen had to hand it to her. She was always so controlled, and now he knew she was a sub, she was too wonderful to resist. He hated subs who gave over too easily, and from the way this conversation was going, Nicola definitely wouldn’t be easy at all.
“This heat between us.”
Something flared deep in her eyes, but it was gone before he could figure out what it was. “I think you are mistaken.”
Every word was enunciated with precision. It was a direct challenge, and the Dom in him couldn’t—wouldn’t—let it go.

Instead of responding, he rose from his chair and walked around the desk. He took her coffee out of her hands and set it down behind him. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and yanked her out of the chair. Her eyes widened as he slammed his mouth down on hers. She resisted for a second or two…then she moaned.
Her eyes fluttered closed as she opened her mouth to him. Jensen dove in, taking complete possession. She tasted of the coffee she had just drunk—and surrender. He lifted his hands to her face as he slanted his mouth over hers. The moment he felt her tongue slide against his, his entire body lit up. She slid her hands up his back as he took a step closer. Her entire body was pressed up against his. He shuddered as need took over. He wanted her, now, on his desk. It had been years since he’d felt like this. The overwhelming need to conquer, to have her at his mercy.
He forced himself to pull back. Her eyelids rose revealing eyes blurry with passion. He couldn’t find fault with her. His heart was beating out of control and his cock was standing at attention.
“Tell me now that there isn’t anything between us.”

Author Bio:
Born to an Air Force family at an Army hospital, USA TODAY Bestselling author Melissa Schroeder has always been a little bit screwy. She was further warped by her years of watching Monty Python and her strange family. Her love of romance novels developed after accidentally picking up a Linda Howard book. From then on, she was hooked. She read close to 300 novels in one year and decided romance was her true calling instead of the literary short stories and suspense stories she had been writing. After many attempts, she realized that romantic comedy, or at least romance with a comedic edge, was where she was destined to be.
Influences in her writing come from Nora Roberts, Jenny Crusie, Susan Andersen, Amanda Quick, Jayne Anne Krentz, Julia Quinn, Christina Dodd, and Lori Foster. Since her first release in 2004, Melissa has written close to thirty short stories, novellas and novels released with seven different publishers in a variety of genres and time periods. Those releases included a 2005 Eppie Finalist, Two Capa finalists, and an International ebook best seller in June of 2005. Surrender was named top Category Romance by Authors After Dark, and she was named Author of the Year and Most Accessible Author.
Since she was a military brat, she vowed never to marry military. Alas, fate always has her way with mortals. Her husband is an Air Force major, and together they have their own military brats, two girls, and an adopted dog-daughter. They live wherever the military sticks them, which, she is sure, will always involve heat and bugs only seen on the Animal Discovery Channel. In her spare time, she reads, complains about bugs, travels, cooks, reads some more, watches her DVD collections of Arrested Development and Seinfeld, and tries to convince her family that she truly is a delicate genius. She has yet to achieve her last goal.
She has always believed that romance and humor go hand in hand. Love can conquer all and as Mark Twain said, "Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand." Combining the two, she hopes she gives her readers a thrilling love story, filled with chuckles along the way, and a happily ever after.
To keep up with all of Mel's happenings, make sure to subscribe to her newsletter:


Rival by Arwen Paris

Arwen Paris
(Fate of the Stars, #2)
Publication date: July 2018
Genres: Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
It’s a role she didn’t want…
One deadly week has passed since seventeen year old Allison Delaney realized she must save Earth from the parasitic race of Ma’tiok. But the task is even more complicated than Allison feared, and she’s being set up to fail. Blamed for a fatal blow to the Alliance fleet that killed dozens of soldiers, Allison must face judgment for their deaths. The High Priestess Kiobaan is Allison’s only hope. Kiobaan sees the warrior spirit in Allison, along with her potential both politically and physically and agrees to train her.
And a game she can’t afford to lose.
Meanwhile, though Allison is the human host of Eenoki, protector of life, she’s not yet ready to harness their combined energy. Their bond is unpredictable at best—volatile at worst. Time is running out for Eenoki and Allison to trust each other—all or nothing—or she’ll never gain the power she needs to defeat the Ma’tiok and save Earth. When Allison is marked for death by an unknown enemy, the High Priestess Kiobaan must step-up and fight. But in return Kiobaan extracts a pledge from Allison, one that will compromise her new status and make her a target.
Sequel to:

Author Bio:
Arwen Paris is the author of young adult fiction. Her debut YA Sci-fi Urban Fantasy novel FATE OF THE STARS releases September 1, 2017. The actions packed pages of her novels are filled with characters that are forced to face fears they never expected. When she's not writing, you can see posts of her (too many) vacations that keep her sane. Arwen lives in Washington, has a big crazy family & after the day job, she writes Fiction For the Fearless - #F3Fanatic
