Book Title: Hidden Chamber of Death (Book 1 in the Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series) by Hawk MacKinney
Category: Adult fiction, 258 pages
Genre: Mystery / Suspense
Publisher: Sage Words
Release date: January 15, 2016
Available for review in: Print, PDF
Will send print books: International
Tour Dates: Feb 29 to March 11, 2016
Content Rating: R (There are several killings that involve mutilation, and occasional curse words)
Book Description for Hidden Chamber of Death:
Hidden Chamber of Death is a compelling tale of intrigue, murder, deception and suspense that leads retired Navy SEAL/part-time private investigator Craige Ingram in search of the connection between seemingly random murders and a banking conspiracy.
Working with the local homicide investigator, who just happens to be a former Navy buddy, Craige Ingram's attempts to protect a lonely widow and solve the case before another person dies are only thwarted by a psychotic killer whose motivation is based on pure depraved pleasure. In this first book of the MOCCASIN HOLLOW MYSTERY SERIES, the instincts and skills Ingram and his buddy acquired as Navy SEALS are tested to their limits.
My Review:
Hidden Chamber of Death is about retired Navy Seal and part time PI Craig Ingram. He is trying to find the link between random murders and bank conspiracy, all while trying to protect a widow. He is working with one of his old Navy buddies on the case. Sorry that's all you get about the story, I don't want to blow it for anyone.This is the first book in the new series by Hawk Mackinney called Moccasin Hollow Mysteries. Which is named after the place Craig Ingram calls home. After reading book 1 I will be searching and watching for book 2.
I enjoyed the southern twang to Mr. Mackinney's writing in the book. I like his character choices, they each had a full personality and were easy to like or hate. The book was a kind of quick read with only 244 pages. I enjoyed the flow of the story. It was pretty action packed.
Author's Bio:
Internationally acclaimed author and public speaker, Hawk MacKinney began writing mysteries for his school newspapers. Following graduation, he served in the US Navy for over 20 years. While serving as a Navy Commander, he also had a career as a full-time faculty member at several major state medical facilities. He earned two postgraduate degrees with studies in languages and history. He has taught postgraduate courses in both the United States and Jerusalem, Israel.
In addition to professional articles and texts on fetal and adult anatomy, Hawk has authored several novels that have received national and international recognition.Moccasin Trace, a historical novel, was nominated for the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award. This was followed by the Craige Ingram Mystery Series. In a change of direction, October of 2012 saw the release of Hawk’s first science fiction novel, The Bleikovat Event, in The Cairns of Sainctuarie series. Volume II, The Missing Planets, was released in 2014 with Volume III in the works.
Hawk’s latest project focuses on The Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series. Hidden Chamber of Death is Book 1 in the series.
Connect with the author: Website
Guest Post by Hawk MacKinney
Guest Post by Hawk MacKinney
Writer’s Block…characters and plot
Overcoming writer’s
block? One must be careful delving into solution(s) this writer has never
experienced. Where/What/When/How comes my inspiration? Stories/ideas unfold
from one extreme of a deliberate plot, to a title, a sketched outline, or a
single character. It would be nice, but wishful fiction to give a specific
answer to, “What helps overcome writer’s block?”
Depends on how the idea Title-plot-whatever bone in the
skeleton of A story idea strikes me. I carry a notepad with me, or during the
night when a plot resolution slams me wide-awake…write it down. Right THEN. It
can be the smell of spring, the clanking rhythmic boil of a steam engine, the
walk or sedate stateliness of a divine creature…grocery store, sipping espresso,
sitting on a swing counting lightenin’ bugs.
Characters that step off the pages can hold
any plot…sci-fi OR any tale well told. My female characters are my favorite. As
a descendent of generations of strong women, in the New World and across the
Big Pond, my stolid retreat into my Cave on Mars lets the fur of prickly pears fly
or sweet kiss of roses blossom. Always keeping them feminine, alluring, poised
and confident, gentle to their core but hard as nails if & when necessary. They
hold a plot tighter than tight. Beast or blessing turns on the flick of a
gnat’s wing. The plot twisting downside-up, or they pull a rabbit-surprise out
of the most bewildering of hats, and the rivers and creeks I enjoy right on
The closest I can to
unblocking the block? Don’t say ‘no’ to the child that lives inside our golden
years. Feed that child’s fantasies; laugh early in the day…I’ll never get all
the tales told that my imagination lets me invent.
Book Trailer:
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