This came in a small jar instead of the tube pictured on Amazon and I was quite happy about that, jars are so much easier to deal with then tubes. It is a cream instead of a gel which I love, yes that is a personal preference. It is a smooth and rich feeling cream, it does not leave a sticky, greasy, or oily feeling behind. It absorbs quickly into my skin with a slight cooling feel. It does have a tiny bit of smell which to me is a very fresh smell, it is not from added fragrances as this product is all natural. The smell does go away about as fast as it absorbs. It does not contain any toxic chemicals, mineral oil, propylene glycol or paraben. It is never ever tested on animals. The company does offer a 90 day money back guarantee, which I won't be needing. I will be buying again.
I was given this product as a sample to try and give my honest opinion of.