
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes by M. R. Noble blitz

Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes
M. R. Noble
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: December 16th 2020
Genres: Adult, Romance, Urban Fantasy

Blindsided by an attack that destroys her home and blamed for murder, Karolina Dalca, a half-vampire, escapes, only to plunge into the magical societies from which she was sheltered.

Betrayed by those around her, she abandons her dreams of becoming an investigator and flees, trusting only herself. Her police internship would never prove more useful. Hoofing it through the wilderness, she makes it to her university dorm, disheveled but delightfully deflowered.

Enter a full vampire: one wielding dark magic and a ride out of Canada. A fugitive from the law, Karo complies with his demands to escape, unsure whether his requests are bewitched. She vows to clear her name and avenge her mother’s death, but Karo’s family secrets aren’t so easily left behind.

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“Who are you anyway?” I asked.

“Andre,” he said. “Private Investigator, but I’ll do anything for money.” He winked.

“You’re not human,” I said. “What are you?” I stretched out my Charmed senses and felt magic within him.

“I’m a vampire, princess. Same as you, but with a little extra dark superpower. I’m a full vamp though, and from what I can tell from your dismal amount of speed out there, you’re half.”

He dragged a chair from the wall and sat across from me.

“You have the Dark Charm?” I asked. “I should have figured; you ooze sleaze bag.”

“And you have a little something special up your sleeve too, don’t you, princess? I bet you get a little hot now and then, don’t you?”

I narrowed my eyes.

“And with a name like Karolina Dalca . . . I bet you’ve got enough training to back up that look you’re giving me.”

He knew my name, my powers, and where to find me. My eyes fell over his body, sizing him up as he sat across from me. Strong jaw, tall, six feet and maybe four inches, and muscular broad shoulders. I could take him—if I took him by surprise.

Author Bio:

M. R. Noble has played a tug of war between science and art her whole life, but the rope broke when she wrote the first line of The Dark Eyes Series. Immersed up to her keyboard in paranormal romance and urban fantasy, she enjoys blending the real with the surreal. The only drawback is she misplaces her mug while dreaming up her next scene, and soon finds herself six cups overpoured.

Keeping to her Lake Simcoe roots, she is a member of the Writers Community of York Region (WCYR), where her muse is made not found . . . over a hefty cup of coffee.

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The Reaper Collection by Jade Royal

The Reaper Collection
Jade Royal

Genre: Paranormal Thriller
Date of Publication: 10/29/2020
ASIN: B08KC7237Z
Word Count: about 80K
Cover Artist: V Designs

Tagline: Death will soon find you...

Book Description: 

They're coming without mercy…

The Optimist
The Child
The Scorned Woman
The Best Friend

They want revenge...

A chain of lies spoken by trusted parents, stolen possibilities from a lover, the wrongful conviction of a stranger, and betrayal by the greatest ally. Pain corrupts their minds, twists their souls, and schemes a plan for death. Their victims will face karma, delivered as retribution.

And nothing will stop them…

Excerpt 2

“You can see me,” the girl whispered eerily.

Jade nodded slowly, stunned. There was a black shadow that outlined the woman’s profile as if the light was afraid to touch her.

“You can really see me.” The words trailed off as though being snatched away by the wind.

“Yes,” Jade whispered.

“Then you are the chosen one.”

The woman touched Jade and the temperature lowered by thirty degrees. Jade sneezed and the woman let her go.

“You didn’t die,” the woman said.

About the Author:

When the voices begin to speak, Jade Royal sits down in her lab to write the tale. The story unfolds with each keystroke as she listens to her instincts bring the words to life. For as long as she can remember, Jade has always expressed her creative nature artistically, especially by writing. She refers to herself as “Slave to the Pen” because it’s difficult for her to resist the call to write.

Jade resides in Cincinnati, Ohio where she was born and raised. She has many siblings and is very family-oriented. She spends Sunday evenings eating dinner with them keeping the bond between family nice and strong. 

As an international bestselling author, Jade hopes to pull in her readers to experience a community of stories that they can relate to on various levels. The emotional roller coaster that is bestowed will hopefully make her readers stalk her words and provide literate entertainment. 

For more information on Jade Royal, follow her on her website and social media avenues.

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Savage Beginnings by J.L. Beck & C. Hallman blitz

Savage Beginnings
C. Hallman & J.L. Beck
(The Moretti Crime Family, #1)
Publication date: July 31st 2020
Genres: Adult, Dark Romance, Romance

It started with a single look… my obsession, my desire, and need to possess the sweet, and incredibly naive Elena Romero.

Dark raven hair, and piercing green eyes. She would make a beautiful bride.

Ten-millions dollars and a forced signature later and she was mine.

Like a thief I came in the dead of night and stole her away from her protected castle and placed her in a gilded cage made of gold.

The deal had been settled.

She would become my wife.
She would bear my children.
She would bend to my will.

But most importantly she would help me destroy the man she loved most. The man who took everything from me: her father.

*This is a dark mafia romance that contains mature themes, graphic violence, and sexual content. This is a complete standalone that ends with a happily ever after. 100,000+ words long. There is NO cheating either.**

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Every word she speaks resonates through me. I don’t want to be like her father. I don’t want to lock her in a cage, but I have to. I can’t risk her leaving or someone getting to her. She’s reached a part of me no one ever has and as terrifying as that is, I can’t let her go. I won’t. I’ll kill, destroy, and hold her against her will if need be.

She is mine until death.

“Sleep, I will keep the nightmares away,” I whisper into her hair, my lips grazing her forehead.

“Will you ever let me go?”

“Untie you from the bed, yes. Leave me? Never. If you ever get away from me, I’ll hunt you down, find you and drag you back here. The day you signed your name on that contract is the day you became mine. I will never let you escape me. Never let you go.”

Silence settles over us, and even though she doesn’t say anything, I know she’s still awake. I ignore that fact and hold her until we both fall asleep, wondering if things have to change so much, or if I can keep her like this forever.

Author Bio:

J.L. Beck is a USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, she has written over fifty different romance novels. She started her journey of writing back in 2014 and hasn't slowed down a second since then.

She's captivated by real romance, and loves reading about strong "ALPHA" males, as well as sassy heroines that know or may not know what they want. She is best known for delivering a happily ever after but has ended things on a cliffhanger a time or two.

When she's not typing away at her next book you can find her being a mom to her two adorable kiddos and wife to her high school sweetheart.

She's obsessed with Starbucks, social media, and is definitely more of a dog person than cat.

Author links:
Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

Born and raised in Germany, Cassandra moved to the United States when she was eighteen. She always had a love for reading, that love slowly transpired into writing. She put fingers to the keyboard and started writing about the dark side of romance.

Cassandra is one half of the international bestselling author duo Beck & Hallman, who are most knows for the writing the Northwood University series.
The pair also write under the pen name Jenna Reed.

Author links:
Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Bookbub / Instagram

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Masters' Escape by Jamie Schulz

Masters’ Escape
Jamie Schulz
(The Angel Eyes #2)
Publication date: December 2020
Genres: Adult, Dystopian, Romance

A night of red-hot passion.
A morning of soul-crushing rejection.

Bret Masters is ready to run. Living as a slave was humiliating enough. But to have his Mistress take him to her bed only to callously dismiss him at sunrise is too much for his wounded heart to bear. Somehow, he must escape her tender trap. Success meant freedom. Failure, a gruesome death. When guard patrols ruin his schemes, Masters is cruelly dragged back to the woman who enslaved him. Her reaction to his deceit, however, is far more damaging to his injured pride than the abuse of the guards. He accepts his assigned penalty as reasonable until unexpected developments force Bret to become his Mistress’ personal servant as well. He wants to deny his feelings for Angel, but can he? Will he be able to resist the overwhelming desire to hold her in his arms again? Or will he plow deeper into the painful abyss loving her might unearth?

Angel Aldridge cannot escape the haunting mistakes of her past. And, now, she’s doomed to repeat them. Bret is every bit the fantasy she dreamed of, but she cannot love him. She made a vow never to fall again. She made another to protect the people she brought to her ranch. If she allows herself to care for Masters, she could fail at both. As her autumn despondency drives her deeper into mental and emotional darkness, she is determined to keep her promises. But her heart has other ideas. When danger appears on her doorstep, will she be able to protect Bret from the enemies she fears? Or will a mysterious illness finally crack their protective walls and allow the seeds of love to find purchase in their damaged hearts…

*Masters’ Escape is the second book in an HEA sextology series. Angel and Bret’s story continues from book to book with the conclusion in the final installment.

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Author Bio:

Jamie Schulz lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her family, her husband, and their fur babies. Writing has always been a big a part of her life, and she hopes to one day reach the best sellers lists.

Cowboys, ice cream, and reading almost any kind of romance are among her (not so) secret loves. To her, every one of her stories, no matter how dark, must have a happy ending, and she strives to make them impossible to put down until you get there.

She balances her free time between reading her favorite romance authors--in genres ranging from erotica and dark romance to sweet historicals and contemporary romance--and spending time with her family.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Heresy by C.A. Campbell


The Heretics Saga Book 1
by C.A. Campbell
Genre: YA Dystopian

In Arcadia, being different is HERESY.

Heresy is DEATH.

To survive, citizens must live, dress, and even love according to the United Council’s will. Their power is absolute—until a rebel bomb ignites at a national ceremony and unites the lives of three unlikely people.

When the bombing goes wrong, Nicolette Howell, a young heretic, finds herself alone and on the run, bearing secrets that Arcadia would kill for. When she’s captured, she must escape, but how can she, when her best chance lies with the son of her sworn enemy?

Driven by the execution of an innocent, Jacob Osgood, a United Councilor’s son, hunts for the truth about the heretic movement that Arcadia has hidden. But truth could cost him the one thing he cannot stand to lose: the girl who saved his life at the bombing.

Shiloh Haven, the orphaned daughter of heretics, is forced to become Arcadia’s spy in a sinister plot to destroy the heretic army. She faces a terrible choice: survive or risk everything to save the boy she might just love and the rebels who are her only chance of being free.

As their fates entwine, the three must answer an impossible question.


C. A. Campbell hails from Kansas City (The Missouri side, if you please), where she shares her writing space with her husband and three ridiculous dogs. She splits her time between writing, saving tiny lives, and teaching students how not to kill people as a neonatal intensive care nurse and nurse educator. When she’s not working, she can be found (likely, in her pajamas) making things out of yarn, listening to a true crime podcast, or yelling at medical errors in television shows. Heresy is her debut novel.

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– 1 winner each 

Dark Fae: Extinction by Quinn Blackbird


Shadow Fae
Dark Fae: Extinction Book 1
by Quinn Blackbird
Genre: Dark Paranormal Romance

A lone, brutal fae warrior.
A lost, wounded human ...
and desires so forbidden they must be fought.

Fans of LAURA THALASSA, C.N. CRAWFORD and JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT will love this dark, apocalypse-driven series.

The world was plunged into eternal darkness, riddled by plagues and famines. Then when most of humanity had fallen, they came to finish us off.

The dark fae, brutal warriors of myth, came to kill the last of the humans in this new, dark world.
I'm Coralie - I'm not brave, I'm desperate, so I won't go down without a fight ... if I can stomach it, that is.

This is a novella rapid-release series for KU. For purchase-to-read, please check out the box set which is the full collection of the whole series, available on pre-order now.

**Only .99 cents!!**

Dark Skies
Dark Fae: Extinction Book 2

A lone, brutal fae warrior and a lost, wounded human ... and desires so forbidden they must be fought.

Taken by a ruthless dark fae warrior;
Captive in a cold, dark world;
Praying for the end to come ...

The warrior who stole me when I was meant to die by his hand has other plans. Binding me in rope, he is dragging me across the planes of France in a journey to find the rest of his unit.
It should be a long, gruelling trek with cruelties from this wicked beast --

And yet...
I find him watching me in the dark, tending to my wounds, and protecting me from other more sinister threats.

This isn't what was supposed to happen when I emptied that gun into him. I was supposed to die.
Now, I'm suffered to live too close to a beast I am learning to hate a little less than I should.

But I still plan on killing him.

Dark Days
Dark Fae Extinction Book 3

A lone, brutal fae warrior and a lost, wounded human ... and desires so forbidden they must be fought.

A dark fae warrior, a beast of cruelty and brutality.
A dark-minded human survivor, taken as prisoner.
And too many cold, quiet moments in the blackness.
It's a dark world and only the monsters survive it.

That's what I am -- I must be. How else could I be feeling all of this for my captor, a fae warrior determined to exterminate my kind?

He cares nothing for me beyond lust.

There's no escape -- he watches my every move on our journey to link up with his army.
And my fate might have just taken a turn for the worst when two more of his kind stumble onto our path...

Before, I thought the only way out was to kill him. I tried and failed, twice.

Now, I know it's me who must die. Preferably before one of those other dark fae get their hands on me.

Book 3 in the Dark Fae: Extinction series. This is a rapid release series tailored for the KU experience. For purchase-to-read please see the full collections, the discounted box sets! Happy reading!

**Get the box set at a discounted $3.49 bundle deal!!**

Get it on Amazon

Quinn Blackbird loves an anti-hero.
All of her villains stay submerged in 'dark' so expect little redemption. She thinks them up over hot coffees and warm cups of tea on the porch.
When not writing, Quinn is either tackling a new face mask or snuggling with a book on the couch with her two pups.
After living in Scotland most of her life, Quinn then moved around the world writing for a few years, visiting distant family. Though she loved Australia the most--only in summer!--she has decided to put down some roots in Paris once everything has settled down.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Your name in a book!, 
$10 Amazon Gift Card
 - 1 winner each

Grace by Contract by Author Rachel Rossano

  Rachel Rossano is a happily married mother of three children. She spends her days teaching, mothering, and keeping the chaos at bay. After the little ones are in bed, she immerses herself in the fantasy worlds of her books. Tales of romance, adventure, and virtue set in a medieval fantasy world are her preference, but she also writes speculative fantasy and a bit of science fiction.

After her father uproots the family to the northern duchy of Brackenhurst, Grace Eldon and her four younger sisters struggle with a new life of hardship. Desperate to keep a roof over their heads amid mounting debts, she and her youngest sister seek employment in the Duke of Brackenhurst’s household despite fearsome rumors.

Scarred and maimed from a terrible fire Silas Isling, Duke of Brackenhurst, buries himself in his work to avoid the stares of pity and fear. When one of the new maids shows no fear at his appearance, he is intrigued. That is until his meddling steward gives her the task of cleaning Silas’ bookroom. It is a most unwelcome disruption since he prefers to be alone.

While a thief plagues his castle, an old nemesis reappears, and enemies invade in the guise of guests. Amidst the distractions and chaos, Grace brings some unexpected order. Once convinced his scars had stolen all hope for love, Silas finds his life forever changed by the quiet maid. Could she love a scarred Duke?




The pair of us ascended the stairs once again, this time with a black-and-white shadow in tow. The puppy’s nails clicked on the steps, and his tail beat at my skirts as he scampered ahead.

He is going to need a name,” Silas observed.

You dont approve of Whip?” I asked.

I believe in naming things what you hope them to be: stalwart, faithful, brave.” He glanced over his shoulder as he leaned on his cane at the top of the stair. What do you hope him to be?”

Valuable and steady.”



Then let us call him that.” He turned to the dog, who had sprawled untidily next to him on the top step, tongue lolling. What do you think, Val?”

The dog lifted his head to regard his new master and sniffed the air.

As Silas worked his way past him and on down the corridor, Valiant leapt to his feet and eagerly caught up, almost tripping Silas in his efforts to stay close.

Thatll do,” Silas ordered the dog, using one of the commands he had been trying to teach the newly recruited shepherds.

Although he had a moment of apparent confusion, the dog responded by calming and giving Silas space to walk. Silas paused, watching the dog as he settled his hindquarters on the floor. He has been trained. Perhaps his skill is just not proven.”

Or just young and exuberant,” I pointed out as I approached them.

The dog lifted his head and watched my movements with bright, intelligent eyes.


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