
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Pained by Vera Hollins

Title: Pained
Series: Bullied #2
Author: Vera Hollins
Genre: Dark High School Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2020


Two months have passed since the day I pushed Hayden away.
Two months since I found out he loved me and wanted to be with me. I’ve been
trying to move on and forget about him, but my heart refuses to listen.

Hayden had almost died saving me. Half of me wants to
forgive him for everything and give him another chance. The other half prevents
me from doing so, distrusting him and ignoring my heart's desires. Hayden is
dark and complicated, and as the days pass, he gets further away from me,
ignoring me whenever our paths cross.

I have less than a year before I go to college, and I won't
see him ever again. I have to believe I will get over him and move on with my
life. I have to believe in my future without him. 

Unless he didn't really move on, and our masks are about to

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"He smirked,
his eyes heating. “Our rooms are very similar.”
That was true. Not
only our walls were covered with the layers of our souls, but my room was also
messy, so many papers, sticky notes, and art supplies lying all around. I
wouldn’t change a single thing about it.
“You’re right.”
“That was why I
felt...” He stopped mid-sentence, taking another drag of his cigarette.
My body leaned
closer to him on its own. The mood between us shifted once more. “What?”
He locked his jaw
and looked away. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to me,”
I whispered. Without conscious thought, I moved and covered his hand that
rested on the mattress.
He flinched and
looked at my hand, frowning. I feared he would pull his hand away, but he
didn’t. “Why?”
My pulse beat madly
in my throat. “Because... Because you matter to me.” I tightened my grip around
his hand, feeling exposed. My eyes went to his scar, and I wished I could touch
it, definitely not for the first time. “I want to know everything about you.”
His breathing sped
up. “Everything?”
He sucked in a quick
breath, taking in every line of my face with undiluted hunger. He balanced his
cigarette on the edge of the ashtray and met my gaze.
“I felt at peace
there,” he said hoarsely. “I felt like...”
I leaned even closer
to him. “Yes?”
He swallowed. “Like
I belonged there.”

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Author Bio

Vera Hollins is the author of the Bullied series, which has
amassed over 30 million reads online since 2016. She loves writing emotional,
dark, and angsty love stories that deal with heartbreak, mental and social issues,
and finding light in darkness.

She's been writing since she was nine, and before she knew
it, it became her passion and life. She particularly likes coffee, bunnies,
angsty romance, and anti-heroes. When she's not writing, you can find her
reading, plotting her next book with as many twists as possible, and watching

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Slayer by Cyndi Friberg

Shadowborn Rebellion, Book 1
Sci-fi Romance
Date Published: March 2020
Publisher: Anything-but-Ordinary Books

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General Malik Xett doesn't have time for romance. His one and only concern is curtailing the power and influence of the ruthless Sarronti elite. Still, the human female working with him lingers in his mind and fuels his imagination.

Though Kara O'Leary has been attracted to Malik since they first met, she never dreamed he returned her feelings. One kiss ignites a hunger neither can deny, but the timing couldn't be worse. Hostilities rapidly escalate and new threats are revealed. How can Malik and Kara bring freedom to the "world below" when all they can think about is each other?

About the Author

Passionate Sci-Fi with a touch of danger and a whole lot of sass. Cyndi has written about rock stars, vampires, and cat shifters, but she's currently focused on outer space. Her stories are fun, fast-paced, and seriously hot. Her books have made the USA Today Top 100, and frequently land on Amazon Best Seller lists. She is currently working on the Shadowborn Rebellion, a spin-off series set in the Outcasts universe.

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Cabin 12 by Freya Barker AudioBook Blitz

Title: Cabin 12 (Rock Point #2) 
Author: Freya Barker 
Genre: Romantic Suspense 
Cover Designer: Freya Barker 

Even at thirty seven, with a challenging but rewarding career as a paramedic, Bella Gomez is treated as the baby of the family. It’s made her allergic to anyone meddling, so she chooses to keep mostly to herself. Unfortunately that doesn’t stop her family from inserting themselves in her life. Nor does it deter the one man she knows she shouldn’t get close to from showing up on her doorstep.
Jasper Greene, an FBI agent with the La Plata County field office, doesn’t even know the meaning of family. His team is his family, which is why—when his boss asks him to keep an eye on his baby sister—Jasper readily complies. Even when the sister in question is a spectacularly developed princess with plenty of attitude.
With a shooter on the loose and corruption running rampant, Bella is a magnet for trouble, and Jasper finds himself with his hands full—in more ways than one.


Tweet: Cabin 12 (Rock Point, #2) @freya_barker is #Live on #Audiobook Exclusive to #Audible #AudioLover #Reading2020 #FreyaBarker #BAPpr

“Well shit.” This from the bed.
I swing around and take my first good look at her. Her legs are bare. A large bandage is covering her left thigh that my eyes zoom in on.
“What the hell, Bella?”
“It’s nothing,” she says, trying to cover up with the sheet tucked under her while shooting daggers at me. “Besides, you’re a good one to talk. You look like you were run over by a tank and shot for good measure.” She takes a thorough inventory of my bare torso where even just the impact of the bullets on my kevlar vest are showing up in vivid color.
“We’re not talking about me.”
“You may not be, but I am. Jesus, Jasper—were you in a gun fight or something?”
Or something is right. I dig through my pocket to fish out my phone.
“What are you doing?” she swats at me as I’m scrolling through to find Damian’s number. “Don’t you be calling my brother, Jasper Greene!”
I grab her hand as it flies by again and hold on tight as I lean in.
“Then you’d better start talking,” I threaten her without any compunction.

USA Today bestselling author Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories. 
Driven to make her books about 'real' people; she creates characters who are perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills in their lives.
Recipient of the 2019 Best Book We've Read All Year Award for "Covering Ollie, the 2015 RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for Best First Book, “Slim To None”, and Finalist for the 2017 Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, Freya continues to add to her rapidly growing collection of published novels as she spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!


Monday, March 30, 2020

Virtus Sex by Laura Tolomei

Virtus Sex 
Virtus Saga Book 1 
by Laura Tolomei 
Genre: Erotic Fantasy 

This book was previously published as Virtus, The Sex but has been completely revised and doubled in size with the addition of many new scenes.

When Prince Duncan Caldwell loses his way home and knocks on a stranger's door, looking to find shelter, he doesn't know his life is about to change forever. Not because he can't tear his gaze away from the beautiful woman who opens that door, but more so because she's a stranger yet he can't shake the feeling she belongs to him. And discovering she's been banned from his home can't stop the vortex of his feelings nor the truth of his world from crashing down on him.

This is just the beginning of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is as it seems. Not the world, since its all-pervading sex drive hides a scary lack of violence. Not the people, since soul mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer's dilapidated shack.

This book starts the love and the passion that entwines fiery sex into this intricate three-way relationship. It's a unique connection, laced with jealousy and violence that are unknown to their world. This is not just another erotic dark fantasy series. This is the making of a trio. Of three remarkable characters that must overcome their uncontrollable lust to face the truth about themselves and their planet if they want to defeat the darkness about to devour them. To be as one whilst three! To share power and love in equal measures. This is their real challenge, the lesson they must learn. Otherwise, how will their world survive?

IMPORTANT: Given the saga nature of this ongoing fantasy series, it is advisable to read each book in sequence. 

Italian-born1965, Laura Tolomei lives near Barcelona, Spain, and is the author of 28+ books in her very particular and unique genre—Erotic Romance with an Edge. Her novels include, among others, the critically acclaimed scorching dark fantasy Virtus Saga, all ten books of it, along with the kindred spirits of both the ReScue and the Soulmate Series, not to mention her horror novels as well as a few historical ones. She has released works with such publishers as eXtasy Books, Whiskey Creek Press and Romance Divine LLC. 

ebook To Seduce A Soul Mate 

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Blurb Blitz False Light by Claudia Riess

False Light: An Art History Mystery
by Claudia Riess

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Claudia Riess will be awarding a set of Art History Mystery Books, Stolen Light and False Light (US only) to three randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.

GENRE:   Mystery

Academic sleuths Erika Shawn, art magazine editor, and Harrison Wheatley, a more seasoned art history professor, set out to tackle a brain teaser. This time the couple—married since their encounter in Stolen Light, first in the series—attempt to crack the long un-deciphered code of art forger Eric Hebborn (1934-1996), which promises to reveal the whereabouts of a number of his brilliant Old Master counterfeits. (Hebborn, in real life, was a mischievous sort, who had a fascination with letters and a love-hate relationship with art authenticators. I felt compelled to devise a puzzler on his behalf!) After publication of his memoir, Drawn to Trouble, published in 1991, he encrypts two copies with clues to the treasure hunt. On each of the title pages, he pens a tantalizing explanatory letter. One copy he sends to an art expert; the second, he releases into general circulation. The catch: both books are needed to decipher the code.

When the books are at last united 25 years later, Erik and Harrison are enlisted to help unearth their hidden messages. But when several research aides are brutally murdered, the academic challenge leads to far darker mysteries in the clandestine world of art crime. As the couple navigate this sinister world, both their courage under fire and the stability of their relationship are tested.

Read an Excerpt

Erika would not permit herself to sleep. She gave in to her selfish body only to allow it to lean its skull and spine against the wall as she went over, again and again, the day’s nightmare. Reliving it kept the memory raw; healing, impossible.

There was a light tapping on the door. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, only that the scant light in the room had dimmed. There was another tap.

“Miss Erika? May I come in?”

It was Grace. Erika had never heard the woman’s supplicating tone of voice, but who else could it be? “Grace?”

“Yes, Miss. Please, may I?”

A kind of dull curiosity moved her to answer, “Come in.”

Grace opened the door and entered the room. She was holding a tray, bracing one side of it with her forearm. She turned the knob with her free hand and shut the door, then better secured the tray. “I’ve brought you some cream of tomato soup and a muffin. You need some nourishment. Would you turn on the light? You wouldn’t want this old lady to trip, would you?”

Grace’s gentle prodding was so uncharacteristic that it caused Erika to rise to her feet and obey, as if to the command of a hypnotist. She clicked on the wall light and took the tray from Grace.

“Where should I put it?”

Grace scurried to the vanity table and pushed aside Erika’s pads and pens. “Right here is good.”

Erika did as she was told. Grace pulled out the chair from the vanity and reached up to touch Erika’s shoulder. “Now sit and have some soup.” She smoothed her scalloped white apron overlaying her starched black dress and stood there, waiting.

“I’m not hungry, Grace.”

“You don’t want to be hungry, but you are,” Grace said, without budging.

There seemed to be no choice but to heed Grace’s first prompt. Erika sat down. She had no intention of lifting the spoon provided. “Thank you.” She waited for Grace to exit the room.

Grace wasn’t going anywhere. She strode to the desk and dragged the desk chair to the vanity, placing it directly alongside Erika’s chair. She sat down. “You must take care of yourself—for yourself as well as your husband,” she said. “He loves you so. I have never seen him so distraught.”

“Harrison will be fine,” Erika said, staring straight ahead.

Grace shook her head. “Not if you aren’t.” She took Erika’s hand in her own. “I haven’t been very cordial to you. I apologize.”

“Apology accepted,” Erika said, feeling nothing.

“I have no children,” Grace said. “I worked for Harrison’s grandparents for fifty years. I’ve known Harrison all his life, and he is family to me; my only family. He is a dear man, but terribly naïve. It broke my heart to see his first wife take advantage of him. She nearly destroyed him. I was afraid you might do the same.”

“I won’t.” She withdrew her hand from Grace’s.

“I know you won’t. I see how you are with him. I see how you look at him. My prejudice made me blind to this, but now I see.”

Erika turned to Grace. “I’m empty, Grace. Do you see that?” She returned her focus to the wall.

About the Author:

Claudia Riess, a Vassar graduate, has worked in the editorial departments of The New Yorker and Holt, Rinehart, and Winston and has edited several art history monographs.

Buy the book for only $0.99.


Claudia Riess will be awarding one $50 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter via rafflecopter during the tour, and a set of Art History Mystery Books: Stolen Light and False Light (US Only) to three randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A Compendium of Characters by Mason Bushell

A Compendium of Characters 
by Mason Bushell 
Genre: Short Stories, Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery, Adventure 

The world of imagination is a magical place filled with fantastical stories. Inside A Compendium of Characters you'll be drawn into myth, legend, and mystery on every page, and across various genres. You’ll meet aliens, vampires, angels, and maybe a ghost or two; discover stranded people, farmers with shotguns and people to save. There'll be romantic liaisons, fairytale frolics, and mysteries to solve! 

**Only .99 cents!!** 

Mason is a naturalist in every way and spends much of his time in the nature reserves by his home. His faithful dog Lucy is never too far away, especially when he is experimenting with the culinary arts. Mason loves a good mystery and dreams of opening a restaurant like the Workhouse soon.

$10 Amazon 

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Raven by BE Kelly

I wanted to be their woman but that came at a cost—one that I wasn’t sure I could pay. My control is what has kept me alive so far and giving it to them wasn’t my first choice, but I had to save Jag’s life. Spending one night between them was the only way to stop the horrifying vision I had of him laying on the side of the road. Giving Texas and Jag my body was something I could do if it meant I’d change the outcome of my premonition. I’d given plenty of men my body—but these two wanted more. They wanted my mind, my tightly held control, and my soul.
I’ll give them what they want. I have no choice. I’m their seer and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them—both of them.

About the Book

Ravenby BE Kelly
Reckoning MC Seer
Paranormal Romance
Publication Date
March 30, 2020
Purchase Your Copy Today!

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Tour Wide Giveaway

To celebrate the release of RAVEN by BE Kelly, we're giving away a paperback copy of Tank by BE Kelly to one lucky winner!

GIVEAWAY TERMS & CONDITIONS:  Open to US shipping addresses only. One winner will receive a paperback copy of Tank by BE Kelly. This giveaway is administered by Pure Textuality PR on behalf of BE Kelly.  Giveaway ends 5/31/2020 @ 11:59pm EST. CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY!

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About the Author

Paranormal MC Romance Writer ~ Supernatural, flirty, and a little bit dirty!
BE KELLY is a paranormal romance author who enjoys adding in her alter ego’s love of MC! She loves all things witches, shifters and you’ll maybe even find some vamps in her future! Check out other works by this author under the pen name K.L. Ramsey, for more MC, Menage, and even some contemporary romance.
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