
Monday, August 31, 2020

1800 Watt Professional Salon Negative Ionic Hair Blow Dryer

This is a really nice Blow Dryer by MONOMONO. It is a 1800 Watt dryer that is a Professional Salon style. It is a Negative Ionic Hair Blow Dryer. It has 3 setting, hot, warm and cold. It also has 2 speeds soft and fast and has cool shot as well. It has a removable filter to prevent hair being sucked into the blow dryer and you can easily clean up lint, dust, hair and other yuck being sucked into the filter.

It is suggested you use High heat & fast speed for thick/long hair, warm heat & soft wind for thin/short hair, cool wind for final touch. Using these suggestions can help  avoid any excessive heat that can cause hair damage. The hair dryer comes with a Diffuser for curly hair, a smooth nozzle to dry and smooth, and styling nozzle for easy styling.

The hair dryer has Ionic ceramic technology that releases negative ions to reduce frizz and it nourishes your hair. The hair dryer is quieter than my old hair dryer, and is not real heavy either. The dryer features a advanced U-shaped design Heating wire. It seems to dry hair very quickly. I have very thick and course long hair, that usually takes forever to dry.

I either received this product for free or at a discounted price and have chosen to leave this honest and unbiased review.

NBTM The Cabinet by Lindsay M. Chervinsky

The Cabinet
by Lindsay M. Chervinsky


GENRE:   History



The US Constitution never established a presidential cabinet―the delegates to the Constitutional Convention explicitly rejected the idea. So how did George Washington create one of the most powerful bodies in the federal government?

On November 26, 1791, George Washington convened his department secretaries―Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, and Edmund Randolph―for the first cabinet meeting. Why did he wait two and a half years into his presidency to call his cabinet? Because the US Constitution did not create or provide for such a body. Washington was on his own.

Faced with diplomatic crises, domestic insurrections, and constitutional challenges―and finding congressional help lacking―Washington decided he needed a group of advisors he could turn to. He modeled his new cabinet on the councils of war he had led as commander of the Continental Army. In the early days, the cabinet served at the president’s pleasure. Washington tinkered with its structure throughout his administration, at times calling regular meetings, at other times preferring written advice and individual discussions.

Lindsay M. Chervinsky reveals the far-reaching consequences of Washington’s choice. The tensions in the cabinet between Hamilton and Jefferson heightened partisanship and contributed to the development of the first party system. And as Washington faced an increasingly recalcitrant Congress, he came to treat the cabinet as a private advisory body to summon as needed, greatly expanding the role of the president and the executive branch.


Excerpt Two:

When Washington and Knox arrived at Federal Hall at 11:30 a.m., the doorkeeper announced their arrival. Washington sat at the front of the chamber, and Knox took the chair to his right. Washington handed his remarks to Knox, who in turn handed them to Vice President John Adams. Adams read the statement, but as Senator William Maclay from Pennsylvania recalled, the senators could “not master . . . one Sentence of it.” Adams wasn’t known for his public speaking skills, but the senators’ struggles weren’t entirely his fault. The Senate gathered for their work in the large chambers that occupied the first floor of Federal Hall. Because of the August heat in New York City, the doorkeeper had opened the windows in search of a cooling breeze. But along with fresh air, noise from Wall Street’s pedestrians, carriages, peddlers, and horses flowed into the Senate chambers. The clamor overpowered Adams’s voice, so few senators could make out the words that Washington had carefully crafted. After a few complaints, Adams repeated the speech from the beginning. Washington’s remarks offered a brief synopsis of the current diplomatic state between the United States and the Southern Indians, and posed seven questions for the Senate to answer with an aye or a no.

Adams finished his recitation and sat. The seconds ticked by as the senators remained in awkward silence. A few shuffled papers or cleared their throats. Maclay speculated in his diary that his colleagues were so intimidated by Washington’s presence in the Senate chamber that they cowered in shameful silence. Eager to show that they could be active participants in the creation of foreign policy, Maclay stood up and suggested referring Washington’s seven questions to committee for discussion in detail. Washington lost his temper, stood up, and shouted, “This defeats every purpose of my coming here!” The senators fell into a stunned hush before Washington acquiesced to Maclay’s suggestion and offered to return to the Senate a few days later. Although he did return the following Monday, his first visit to the Senate was an inauspicious start to the executive-legislative relationship. As he returned to his carriage, Washington muttered under his breath that he would never return for advice. He kept his word—August 22, 1789, was the first and last time he visited the Senate to request guidance on foreign affairs. Unfortunately, the diplomatic challenges facing the United States during the Washington presidency were just beginning...


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lindsay M. Chervinsky, Ph.D. a historian of Early America, the presidency, and the government – especially the president’s cabinet. She shares her research by writing everything from op-eds to books, speaking on podcasts and other media, and teaching every kind of audience. She is Scholar-in-Residence at the Institute for Thomas Paine Studies and Senior Fellow at the International Center for Jefferson Studies. Previously, she worked as a historian at the White House Historical Association. She received her B.A. in history and political science from the George Washington University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis. She has been featured in the Law and History Review, the Journal of the Early Republic, TIME, and the Washington Post. Her new book, The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution, was published by the Belknap Imprint of Harvard University Press on April 7, 2020.

The New Criterion recently said of her book, “Fantastic…Unlike many works of popular history, The Cabinet never feels like hagiography. It lacks the reverence of works like Joseph J. Ellis’ Founder Brothers or the revisionist obsequiousness that now greets Alexander Hamilton’s name on stage…Chervinsky exemplifies the public-history ethos in her new book. The writing is clear and concise…She takes what could have been a dry institutional and political history of the Early Republic and transforms it into a compelling story of people and places.”

When she isn’t writing, researching, or talking about history, she can be found hiking with her husband and American Foxhound, John Quincy Dog Adams (Quincy for short).

Readers can request a personalized book plate here:

Interview with Lindsay M. Chervinsky

1. Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reins of the story?

I hope the characters drive the story. While most readers will know how it ends (it is a history book after all!), I tried to write the book without a sense of forgone conclusion. I wanted to readers to immerse themselves in the anxiety, uncertainty, and possibility of the 1790s and follow along as the main cast of characters responded to the very really challenges in front of them.

2. Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.

2020 is a very intense year and it’s more important now than ever that we understand our political system and the origins of our government. We can’t understand the presidency without studying the cabinet, because it’s central to every aspect of the executive branch. While the cabinet is such a public and powerful institution, no one has written about its beginnings! In 1912, Henry Barrett Learned published a book that examined the legislation that created each department, but that’s it. If you want to know the story, The Cabinet is the best place for that information.

3. Have you written any other books that are not published?

No, I try and use all of my words! Even if a section gets cut from one publication or another, I almost always find a use for it in an article, opinion editorial, blog post, or something else. I am working on book two now, but that’s just in the beginning phases.

4. Pen or type writer or computer?

Pen and paper to start outlining or when I’m particularly stuck on a passage or stuck with organizing a section (blue G2 pen, .38 width ONLY and white legal pad). Then I switch to computer. Two monitors are life-changing! Especially for historical work, because I can have my sources or notes on one screen, and my document on the other.

5. Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?

I’m so grateful for their support during the pandemic! Launching a book at this time has been a little brutal, and every message, email, post, and review really means the world to me. While it can’t completely replace in-person signings and events, it’s great to connect with readers any way we can!


Lindsay M. Chervinsky will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

 Follow the tour and comment; the more they comment, the better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:  

Fighting For Home by Kim Richards

Fighting For Home 
Descendants of the Amazoi Book 1 
by Kim Richards 
Genre: Historical Fantasy 

In 300 B.C.—the Greco-Roman Age—tribes of warrior women thrived near the Black Sea. The area is now modern-day Turkey. The Greeks called them Amazoi (meaning Mankiller). Inspired by their story, Fighting for Home sings the tale of one tribe as they battle to save their way of life. Healing magic is real! Ilenea and Saphira, the wolf sisters, battle close to home with others of their generation. A healer priestess named Essla travels to a temple of Artemis at Anthela with her male slave, bringing a call to arms for the pending war. She meets and falls in love with a Roman General. Whatever the outcome, this war changes everyone. 

Kim Richards is an author, editor, and book formatter. She writes horror, fantasy, science fiction, erotica, non-fiction, and children's books under her name Kim Richards and two pseudonyms: Sharie Silva and Kim Bundy.

Born and raised in Roswell, NM Kim now lives in Northern California where she is supervised by two cats and a small dog. She enjoys sewing, bellydancing, music, movies, and occasionally gardening. 

$25 Amazon 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 

Reign of Pride by A.G. Kirkham

Reign of Pride 
Dark Reign Book 1 
by A.G. Kirkham 
Genre: Contemporary Mafia Romance 

Nero was born and raised to take over "La Famiglia". It is his destiny. Along with this power comes traditions, one being marrying a dutiful wife to have dutiful babies and raise them to respect the ways of the family. It is a severe handicap to fall in love. Enemies take those you love and use them to their advantage. Can Nero resist the youth and charm of Felicia or will she be the downfall of his destiny? Can he lose all he desires by letting his heart rule instead of his head? 

Felicia always knew that she would be promised in marriage, but was assured by her father that her future husband would be a man that she could fall in love with and would love her in return. Instead, when an attack hits the school, Felicia grabs her friend's hand and they run for their lives. Her quick thinking saved them both and her reward, Nero. Felicia understands tradition and the ways of the Famiglia but was not prepared to marry the next Capo. How does she make a man made of ice fall in love with her? 

Book Trailer

I was born in a small town in Italy. My parents are loving people; and true traditionalists. I grew up being a chatterbox of a child and evolved into a quiet and shy teenager. I was definitely not the life of the party. As a matter of fact, I never wanted to go to any high school dances or any activities the school offered. I was good with being alone. I had to grow into my own and I eventually became the fun loving, open-minded and creative person I am now. I love the ‘me’ I have become and I am grateful that this is where I have landed. 

Writing is my release and I have escaped in my imagination to some incredible places meeting the most awesome characters. I also wanted to be a rock star but anyone who has ever heard me sing kindly convinced me that I do not have any talent. (In other words, I suck at it.) 

Although I have been writing since I was in grade school, and I am a hopeless romantic. 

Why I write romance? I thrive on two individuals connecting in mind, body and soul. The understanding of wants and needs and placing them as a priority and not out of fear of losing them or because you feel you need to concede; you do it because it feels easy and right in your own heart. 

My other passion is cooking! I enjoy making meals for my family and friends and bantering around the table. I have colourful people in my life and they all add to my rainbow. I love music! I like it all, depending on my mood. 

And lastly, I love to travel. I want to enjoy all that life has to offer. I want to meet people, learn from them and create the most fantastic, sexy love stories. If I can do this overlooking the ocean and feeling the breeze wash over me then I have my heaven on earth. 

Stuff about you:

Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?  

I have been writing since I was a young 12 year old girl and always escaped into my imagination.  Life gives you a voyage and you ride the sea, going through all the tempest storms and then one day I hit calm waters and I noticed that my writing just started feeling right.  

What is something unique/quirky about you?  

I love to kickbox!

Tell us something really interesting that's happened to you!  

I have a tendency of attracting very interesting people to me.  Grocery stores, vacations, funerals, really odd places.  Each person I meet leaves me with a gift of learning.  Pretty cool!

What are some of your pet peeves?  

My worst pet peeve is false promises.  I totally get that circumstances change but keep me informed! Long lines, rudeness for no apparent reason are a couple of others.

Where were you born/grew up at?  

Born in a room my dad rented in a little town in Italy called Monte San Giovanni Capagna by a midwife.

If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?  

I would spend my day writing letters to everyone who meant something to me.  Yes, I could tell them all, but a letter in my handwriting will never be forgotten and they will always have it to look at and read when they needed me.

Who is your hero and why?  

SO MANY.  My parents for taking a risk and starting a life in another country, alone with a baby.  They ate, fought, slept and loved.  Always together.

What kind of world ruler would you be? 

A Queen!  With my amazing King! I want to be fair, just and give hope.

What are you passionate about these days?  

My grandchildren.  Bettering the world for those to follow.

What do you do to unwind and relax? 

READ! LOL! and watch movies with my hubby.

How to find time to write as a parent?  

Well I am in the grandparent stage, however I am also part of the sandwich generation where both my parents and kids and grandkids need me.  How do I manage? I carve out time and that is my time.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less!  

Relentless, driven, loving, loyal and adventurous

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

When I took my first paperback out of the box and held it.

Do you have a favorite movie?  

Sixteen Candles with Molly Ringwald

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?  

Right now I would say Reign of Pride.  

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?  

An eagle would be my guide.  Always looking from above leading me where I need to be.

Stuff about the Book:

What inspired you to write this book?  

Reign of Pride came to me when I realized that you may feel like you are in a situation where you may not be allowed the choice you want.  How can we make a life for ourselves in circumstances where we feel powerless.

What can we expect from you in the future?  

I am currently writing my fourth book in my MC Biker romance, RISK.  After that I have my second book in my romance mafia series.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in (Name of book)? 

Reign of Pride is the Book.  Nero was raised knowing that the he would one day take over for his father.  He is the second most fear man in his "Famiglia", the first his father.  When it's time to marry, he knows that he must marry a woman who could rise to the occasion of being a Don's wife.  What he is expected to due vs. what he wants and he wants Felicia.
Felicia is a sweet young thing that has also been raised in the Famiglia and knows that one day she will be married to a good man chosen by her father.  Her heart is big and her courage greater, leading her to an unexpected fate.  Her reward for her bravery, Nero!

Where did you come up with the names in the story?  

Nero is the color black and he is the dark side of the couple.  Felicia is sweet and a happy woman.  Her name is happy and festive.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?  

I loved writing the connection within the family and the struggle finding balance between the light and the dark sides of their lives.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?  

Not at all!  I write with my heart and this is where it led.

If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead?  

In Reign of Pride - Henry Cavill

Anything specific you want to tell your readers?  

Life is precious, lead it your way.

If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?  

I would spend the day with the character from my first book Guard.  He is still a very secretive man and I would be spending my day exploring his world.

Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?  

Of course we are influenced by the people we know and there are certain traits I see in those around, however, mostly they are people I want to be with and get to know.

Have you written any other books that are not published?  

Only the one I am currently writing.

If your book had a candle, what scent would it be?  

White chocolate with caramel cream scents

Is there a writer whose brain you would love to pick for advice? Who would that be and why?  

So many of them!

Interview with A.G. Kirkham

Stuff about Writing/ Reading:

How long have you been writing?  

Since I was 12 years old

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?  

It's cool that I am in the midst of writing one book and all of a sudden a completely different character comes to mind and I have to stop and put my thoughts down before I can continue.

Do you see writing as a career?  

Absolutely.  This is where I belong.  This is a dream turning into reality.

What do you think about the current publishing market?  

It is precarious.  Traditional publishing has changed so much and self-publishing is a maze to maneuver. Still it's all worth it! 

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?  

I love Romance.  It's just me.

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?  

I am guided by music and I have even started writing a playlist at the back of my books.

Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time? 

I have pieces of characters from many books but I only write one book at a time.

Pen or typewriter or computer?  

Pen and computer.  Sometimes I like to see the words flow from my hand and other times my mind is too fast for the pen.

Tell us about a favorite character from a book. 

From the book Orion.  He is strong and passionate.  Facing his fear and learning love doesn't have to end in tragedy.  Sexy, secure, passionate and super intelligent.  Loyal and willing to fight for what he wants.
Advice they would give new authors?  

There will be those who love your book and those who don't.  Write for yourself and the rest will come.

What is your writing process? For instance do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first?

It's all in my head and then I let the hands just write until it start to feel right.  I know my characters and they just find their way to me when I write.  

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?  

I write to appeal to women like me.  To women who have lived and been hurt but are willing to take a chance.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?  

You matter!  Be your authentic self.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?  

It depends on the book.  Some take 6 weeks and another took 6 months.  

$10 Amazon GC 

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