
Friday, November 30, 2018

WHERE WISHES GROW by Chris Sarracini

WHERE WISHES GROW by Chris Sarracini, Children, 56 pp., $18.99 (paperback)


Author: Chris Sarracini

Publisher: Brownridge Publishing

Pages: 56

Genre: Children’s Picture Book

Where Wishes Grow… is the story of eight-year-old Maggie, a
pensive and courageous dreamer, whose big heart starts to break when her
grandmother becomes bedridden and sick with no recovery in sight.
Fortunately Maggie has some wishes in mind to breathe life into Nana and
is about to learn the secret for making them come true.

Watching Nana’s health fail has been difficult for Maggie and so now
much of her time is spent dreaming up wishes for ways she can help her.
Maggie conjures up three wishes for Nana she desperately wants to come
true: for Nana to see again to enjoy her favorite beautiful things, for
her to walk again to visit her favorite places, and for her to speak
again so that she and Maggie can sing their favorite songs. The problem
is, with wishes this important, Maggie wants to be sure she can realize
them; wishing upon stars that may be long dead or relying on birthday
candle hoopla just won’t cut it. Thankfully, Maggie’s mother knows the
secret for turning wishes into reality…you’ve got to write each wish
down and then go plant each one in just the right place. And, as Maggie
discovers, retelling the story of how each wish was planted turns out to
be the most magical part.



My Review: 5*

What a sweet book. Maggie's Nana has a brain hurt and can no longer see, walk or talk. Maggie wanted to make wishes to give Nana back all the colors, the music, and everything else she was now missing. Her Mother comes up with a plan for Maggie to to plant the wishes and let them grow. Each day she send Maggie to a specific place to plant the wish, then come home and tell her all about everything. This brings a smile to not on Maggie and Mothers face  but to Nana's as well. 

I have to admit this book brought a tear to my eye, I am dealing with a mother with dementia, and I try daily to give her things she is missing from her life. Chris Sarracini has done an amazing job with this book. The story is filled with love and compassion. I think this book would be great to read to even smaller children, children probably around the age of 8 and above would be able to read th book very easily.

The book is illustrated by Pauline Aksay. Each page is a full page illustration with the story over the pictures. These are drawn pictures more like watercolors. Each page is expressive and tells a lot of the story just by looking at the illustrations.

Chris Sarracini has been working in the comic book and film
industries for over 15 years. In addition to writing for a number of
successful comic book favorites including TRANSFORMERS, STREET FIGHTER
and DARK MINDS, his own creations include FATE OF THE BLADE and CASA
NOSTRA. As a screenwriter, he has worked with Universal Pictures, Disney
and Nasser Entertainment. His most recent publication is the children’s
picture book WHERE WISHES GROW…

Chris lives with his family in Toronto where he continues to create and write.

Website Address:

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Obeying the Rules by Kitka Buchanan

the Rules
Kitka Buchanan

Dark Contemporary Romance

the Rules. It sounds simple; unless your mind, body and spirit are
sold to the Mistress of The Manor to pay for your crimes.

is quite what it seems in The Manor. Cassia rules with an iron fist.
Will her own past and her soft heart get in the way of her

Cassia’s enforcer. Can he overcome his own demons to learn to let
someone close to his hardened heart?

and Gage. Political prisoners, the thorns in the side of The Master.
Too bold for their own good.

Master of The Manor and the entire region. Would give his wife
anything. But what exactly is behind his motives?

The Manor and find out exactly what is at risk when Obeying The Rules
is your only option.

a child who moved frequently, Kitka made friends easily with the
characters in books. She would read everything she could get her
hands on: from Shakespeare to Anne Rice to Johanna Lindsey to Judy
Blume. She always dreamed of joining their ranks as an author. Having
written for decades, she has finally found the courage to start
sharing her dark, often paranormal, romantic works with the rest of
the world. Her wife puts up with obsessively talking about her books
and her two children encourage her all the way.

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Holiday of the Heart by Angel Wolfe

of the Heart
Angel Wolfe
Contemporary Romance

Morgan Paige has had more than her share of ups and downs; but can a
long-term affair turn into something more, or will the flame smolder
only to be fanned by a new love?

a horrendous Valentine's Day nightmare, and a hot and steamy reunion,
Morgan and Ricky part ways only to have Ricky show up several months
later asking her to wait for him. The problem is, Morgan has already
been waiting for years. How much is too much? Will their romance
survive yet another separation or will someone new fill the aching
hole in her heart?

Wolfe was born in Muscatine, Iowa and learned to read by the age of
three. When she was five, she moved with her family to northwest New
Mexico where by the time she reached the age of eleven, she began
reading romance novels pilfered from her mother.

high school, Angel often sat with the textbook open and a romance
novel sitting inside it. After high school, she began writing stories
in notebooks because she didn't own a typewriter.

Angel neared completion of her first novel, Damaged Hearts but she
couldn't bring herself to end it (until recently!) Since that time,
she has written four short stories, a contemporary holiday novella, a
historical romance novel, a contemporary novel ,and is nearing
completion on a paranormal romance novel.

she's not writing or curled up with a book or watching college
football, Angel loves to go to local dirt tracks and watch racing.
One of her greatest dreams is to find herself listed on the New York
Times bestsellers list.

still lives in New Mexico with her husband, her son, and her dog, a
little Muppet with teeth, otherwise known as Rusty. 

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Girly-Girl by Thomas Briar


Thomas Briar

Genre: Interracial BDSM Erotica

Publisher: Cobblestone Press

Date of Publication: 1-18-18

ASIN: B07956K993

Number of pages: 161
Word Count: 47,000

Cover Artist: Rebecca K. Sterling

Tagline: What will Tanisha do when she learns she can’t live without Levi’s wonderful presence in her life?

Book Description:

Tanisha is a naughty virgin with way too many unfulfilled romantic fantasies.

Levi is an unconventional Dom with a penchant for BDSM and kinky sex.

On their first date, after both reveal shocking personal details, they enter a scorching hot D/s relationship based purely on fulfilling Tanisha’s most intimate romantic fantasies. 

But nothing perfect ever lasts without first overcoming adversity. As the naughty virgin and her attentive Dom fall desperately in love, a veiled secret on her side and his unspoken desire threaten to snatch away their happily ever after.

Cobblestone Press      Amazon      BN

# 2

“Have you’ve
seen anything you want to take home with you?” Levi asked.
“Oh, I see
something.” Tanisha purposely let her gaze flow up and down his body to linger
on his midriff. “But you promised not to kiss or fuck me for thirty days,
He frowned
wistfully. “I really did, didn’t I?”
“You did.” She
took great pleasure in pointing this out because it was obvious that he now
thought the time frame ridiculous. Same as her.
Wanting to make
him further regret the impetuous decree, she did the most provocative thing she
could think of. While looking him straight in the eyes, she struck a pose with
one hand on a hip. Tilting her head sideways and sending over the most
seductive look possible, she cupped a breast with her opposite hand, using
fingertips to rub the outline of the taut nipple underneath the clinging vinyl.
Then she slowly slid the hand down her body to the front of the ruffled skirt.
Upon reaching the hem, she delved underneath, passing the tip of the middle
finger between the slickened lips of her pussy. Bringing the finger forth,
glistening with wetness, she held it out toward him.
He discreetly
licked his lips, eyes following the finger as she placed it against her own lips
to suck the wetness away.
Withdrawing the
finger and lapsing into a giggle, she raised eyebrows most innocently, asking,
“Still photography next?”
“Your choice,”
he stated in a husky voice. “And don’t do that again. I’m trying to be a
gentleman, remember?”

“Are you sure
you don’t want a little taste for yourself?” She stared deeply into his eyes.
“I’ll give you a little taste if you want?” 

About the Author:

Edgy and provocative in his writings, Thomas Briar strives to exalt the virtues of love and lust in every erotic story he creates. To date, he’s written a wide variety in the subgenres of New Adult, Contemporary, Historical, Interracial, and BDSM. He also takes great pride in the fact that he writes the type of erotic stories that twist and turn as the hero and heroine strive wholeheartedly to get exactly what they want from each other.

Which means most of his stories run on the hotter side of the erotica genre with his characters indulging in the type of sex that some would call adventurous. In fact, his descriptive writing style and graphic sex scenes will certainly evoke a reaction.

Hopefully, a positive one, but he’s making no promises. Not everyone likes to be made to feel as if they are present in the scene, surreptitiously watching the eroticism play out right before their very eyes. For, without a doubt, writing scorching hot sex scenes is Thomas’ absolute favorite thing about writing erotica.

Well, that, and making sure his characters end up living happily ever after.

Feel free to check out his website at

Interview with Thomas Briar
Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
Well, that’s sort of a hard question to answer concisely. I don’t plot using any conventional methods, and I use only the barest of notes—if any at all. No working backwards from the end of the story. No detailed outline to make sure the story’s packed with twists and turns. None of those things. I simply pick a starting point and go to work. Also, I never know how the story is going to end other than it must have a HEA.
Now, having said all this, my stories always employ twists and turns on the way to that HEA. Most times those twists surprise even me. I think the guy inside me that does all the plotting and hard work of getting the story on the page is always on the job. He knows exactly where the story is going at all times, what he needs the characters to be doing, every surprise twist, even how it’s going to end. All before I start writing. He just doesn’t share those pertinent details with me until it’s absolutely necessary.
For instance, in the beginning of Girly-Girl, Levi and Tanisha first meet when he comes into the bookstore where she works to pick up some erotic books that he’d ordered. Now, I remember intentionally mentioning that the covers of the books were provocative, but I also remember thinking: I’m not going to describe the covers at this point, instead, I’ll find some way to insert the books back into the story at a later point to provide the great reveal.
And guess what? That’s exactly how it worked out. In the best possible way, too. Without me having any idea how I was going to do it at the beginning of the book.
So, I suppose I’m always in control of the story and characters. Or, rather, the guy inside me that’s responsible for delivering a satisfying story always is. I just wish he’d reveal to me how he does it.

Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.
How many erotic books have you read? Only a few? A lot? Either answer’s perfectly fine. There’s no wrong answer. However, do you want to read the exact same type of erotic book that you read last time? Or, would you like to read something a little different? Something that just might broaden your erotic horizons while possibly turning out to be the perfect book for you.
Because I don’t follow any of the popular trends in erotica. Just can’t stand rewriting what everyone else has written to death. And I can’t resist writing about consenting adults in alternative relationships. You probably already know the kind I’m talking about. The sex is always smoking hot and is as much a part of the story as the emotions the characters are feeling are genuinely real and true to life. Furthermore, the characters always know exactly what they want from each other and are prepared to use any means at their disposal to achieve their heart’s most secret desires.
Now that’s true love in a nutshell, isn’t it? Two people finding each other and taking great pleasure in giving the other exactly what they want and need to feel complete. Indeed, that’s breathing rarified air while indulging in the most exquisite intimacy of all.
So, if you’re open-minded, and want to stand inside the scenes with the characters as their love story unfolds, then pick up a copy of Girly-Girl. I assure you that even though the sex is graphic, it’s got emotional depth along with a very satisfying romance at the center of it. Of course, you do like being turned inside out and strung from here to yonder before you get to the HEA, don’t you?

Have you written any other books that are not published?
I’ve always written more than I’ve published. Doesn’t every writer?

Pen or typewriter or computer?
I started out with a pencil. Graduated to a typewriter in time. Eventually bought a word processor. Then my first computer. But all that was many years ago now. Who would have ever thought way back then that publishing would have evolved into what it is today? So much easier to write, edit and publish these days. So many more opportunities to get published too.

Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?

I sincerely thank you for supporting my writings.

Sleighed by Annie Dyer

Title: Sleighed
Series: Severton Search & Rescue Book 1
Author: Annie Dyer
Genre: Small Town Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 30, 2018

❄️He ploughed a path straight to her heart…❄️

Zack Maynard likes to keep things simple in his small town: he runs his care home for the elderly, spends his evenings at his brother’s bar and climbs the hills and peaks of his area. His life is going just fine until Severton’s newest resident opens her hotel, steals his builders, complicates his Christmas and makes him crave more than just her baking.

Sorrell Slater thought she’d be starting her hotel with a husband; instead she’s in a new town, with a new business and trying to start a new life as a single woman, and she isn’t entirely sure she can do it. However, Severton isn’t a place that lets anyone struggle on their own, and Zack is more than happy to be her tour guide, making sure that both their Christmases sparkle. And as much as she tries to keep him in the friend zone, his persistent charm keeps ploughing through her barriers, right towards her heart.

But Severton is a town of secrets, ones that have been buried beneath the caves and peaks of the area. As independent as she’s become, this time Sorrell might just need Zack’s help to escape something deadlier than she thought a small town could hide.

Sleighed is the first book in the Severton Search and Rescue Series.

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Annie Lennox

Carol of the Bells - Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Annie Lennox

Don’t Let the Sun Steal You Away - Bear’s Den

Driving Home for Christmas - Chris Rea

Nobody’s Lonely Tonight - Chris Stapleton

Into Temptation - Crowded House

This Year’s Love - David Gray

All Things All At Once - Tired Pony

Sexy Boy - Air

Atlas Hands - Benjamin francis Leftwich

Farewell to Nova Scotia - Blitz/Berlin

Modern World - Matthew and the Atlas

All the Pretty Girls - Kaleo

Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish