
Friday, March 31, 2017

children's book Annabelle and Aiden: Oh The Things We Believed! by JR Becker

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Book Description:

In this delightful illustrated book written in rhyme, the
children gaze at a face-shaped cloud. Aiden asks if it is real: "I sense
it really sees me. Who knows what it can do! Maybe it has magic powers
that make the sky so blue!" To answer, we introduce our favorite
feathered-dinosaur, the Skeptisaurus, who guides the children to use their
critical thinking skills when determining myth from fact. He takes the kids on
an amazing journey through legends of old times, from witches to oracles,
explaining how we evolved to see things that aren't always there. But when
those myths vanish, they see that real scientific discovery is just as
exciting, if not more. With his help, the kids learn that "real answers
may not be magic, but they are always magical." This book raised over
$11,000 in pre-orders on Kickstarter. 


Annabelle and Aiden
stared up at a cloud.
When something it did  
made them gasp out loud.

It swirled into
the strangest shape.
A nose! A face!
They had to gape.

“I sense it really sees me.
Who knows what it can do?
Maybe it has magic powers
that make the sky so blue.”   

“Maybe yes, maybe no,” said
a rainbow-feathered snout.
“I’m Skeptisaurus the dinosaur.
It seems like you’re in doubt.”

“Before accepting your guess
just based on how you feel,
Let’s admit we just don’t know,
and discover if it’s real.”

“But discovery takes work and time!
Why search, when we just could
accept the answers we made up
like feelings say we should?”

“Feelings are important;
they add beauty to our life.
But for telling us what’s real outside,
they can cause lots of strife.”

“Why would they trick us?”
I thought you might ask.
Cuz we got them from people
from our long ago past.

People that survived
by running from a bear.
Or any sort of sound or threat
that often wasn’t there.

That’s why we think monsters
are the sounds under our beds.
And make up our own authors
for the voices in our heads.

We’re wired to see patterns
like pictures in grilled cheese.
On Mars, in stars, in cliffsides -- Oh,
the things we once believed!

My Review:
Annabelle and Aiden are 2 kids who lern that discovering the true answer is the best way to go. Yes it may take time to come up with the answer but it is much better then just making up a nswer or reason to lifes little questions.

This is a very cute and short story. It is written in rhyme. The story goes very quick. The pictures on the page will greatly slow your reading time down. There is so much going on on these pages. They are by no means over done or confusing they just really catch your eye. 

There is also kind of a sub story going on on a lot of the pages. It is actually telling facts or tidbits to the pictures. Like the page where they are talking about birds flying south. It quickly explains how the Stork got its connection to births. 

This is a very nice book. I even learned a few things. The pictures like I said are vibrant, busy, and very well drawn. I read this to my Grand Kids who are 2 and 4 and they really liked the pictures and the story as well.


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J. R. holds a B.A. in Philosophy and a Juris
Doctorate from Emory University School of Law.  When he's not
practicing entertainment law, playing drums, or enjoying the great outdoors,
Joseph enjoys all the science and philosophy books and podcasts he can, pondering
the bigger questions and dreaming up ideas for future children stories.

After publishing his first (philosophical,
dystopian) novel The
Spider & the Ant,
and later becoming a father, Joseph was inspired
to found the Annabelle & Aiden series to foster curiosity and
scientific awareness in the next generation.

Joseph lives in New Jersey with his wife Leah, and
two children, Annabelle & Aiden.

Author Links

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Building Celebration House by Annette Drake

Building Celebration House
The Celebration House Trilogy
Volume 1
Annette Drake

Genre: Women’s fiction/paranormal romance

Publisher: Baskethound Books

Date of Publication:  3/1/17

ISBN: 978-0-9916118-9-8

Number of pages: 234
Word Count:  52K

Cover Artist: Elizabeth Mackey

Tagline: How can she plan a future with a man who has only a past?

Book Description:

Carrie Hansen spent her life caring for cardiac patients. Little did she know she would become a patient herself.

After recovering from her own heart surgery, she learns she has a special talent: the ability to see and talk with the dead.

Now, with her health failing, she leaves the bustle of Seattle behind and returns to Lexington, Missouri, the small town where she spent her childhood. Here, she sets out to restore an abandoned antebellum mansion and open it as a venue for celebrations.

Carrie’s unique gift allows her to build relationships with the mansion’s ghostly occupants, especially Major Tom Gentry, the handsome Civil War soldier who died 100 years before Carrie was born. He encourages and comforts her, though not in the physical way they both desire.

Will Carrie finish restoring the celebration house or will it finish her? And how can she plan a future with a man who has only a past?

Amazon    Nook    Kobo    Smashwords


When Carrie
opened the door and stepped inside, sunlight streamed in through the dirty
windows. Even though the barn had been vacant for years, the air smelled of hay
and horses.
Looking to her
left, she saw a man shaving. He’d glanced up when Carrie opened the doors, but
returned his gaze to the small mirror tacked to the wooden beam. He was bare
from the waist up. His chest was lean and muscular, with dark brown hair from
mid-chest to his waistline. His arms were powerfully built, and his right hand
was steady as he scraped the white soap from his angular jaw with a razor. His
dark blue uniform pants with gold braid down the side were tucked into
knee-high black leather boots. He stood at least six feet tall, and though
Carrie hadn’t made her living in the carnival, she guessed he was probably
younger than her, likely in his mid to late twenties. He peered at the small
mirror, tilting his chin to swipe away the shaving soap. Carrie waited to speak
until after he’d finished with the ivory-handled straight blade and dipped it
into the basin of soapy water.
“Good morning,”
she said.
His expression
was an equal mix of surprise and annoyance. He dropped the razor and grabbed
his shirt off a nearby nail. He turned his back to Carrie and pulled it on.
“You can see me,
madam?” he asked, buttoning his shirt and stuffing it into his pants.
“Yes. Can you
see me?”
“I can, but I
believe I have the advantage. I’m dead. You are not.” He turned and glared at
her. His eyebrows furrowed as though he wasn’t quite sure how they’d arrived at
the point of introductions.
“I’m sorry to
intrude. I’m Carrie. Carrie Hansen.” She extended her hand.
He reached to
shake her hand, but his fingers passed through hers. They both jerked back.
“I’m sorry. I
really didn’t mean to intrude,” she said.
“You surprised
me. That’s all. We seldom receive visitors, especially living ones who can see
us.” He put on his blue uniform coat and fastened the long row of brass
buttons. “I’m Major Thomas Gentry, at your service.” He bowed.
“I’m sorry I
startled you. I sometimes forget ghosts aren’t accustomed to being seen.”
His eyes
narrowed and he frowned. “How may I be of service to you, Miss Hansen?”
“Where can I
find Colonel Stratton? I need to speak with him.”
His dark blue
eyes showed his increasing puzzlement. “The living do not go looking for
Colonel Stratton. What business have you with him?”
“I bought this
house, and I intend to live here.”
“You bought
Stratton House?”
“And I need to
speak with the colonel.”
Major Gentry
shook his head as though to sort through the details. “Please forgive me. You
bought Stratton House, you intend to live here, and you wish to speak with the
home’s proprietor, Colonel Stratton?”
“I thought we’d
covered that,” she said. “You don’t get many visitors, do you?”

My Review:

I read this book in one setting. It was that good.  I love reading about ghosts it is my favorite type of book. This was actually in my opinion a sweet book. I really enjoyed each and every character in the book. I loved Annette Drake's writing style. This book had a wonderful story line, it was well thought out and made me not put it down till the last page. There are only a few colorful words, no f-bombs and no sex scenes. 

The book is about Carrie Hansen. Carrie is a cardiac nurse. She has had a rough road over the last few years. She finds out and is given a heart transplant. Her husband leaves her for his younger secretary during her battle with her heart problem. Her beloved father passes away. Now she finds out her transplanted heart is no good. Carrie doctor wants to put her back on the transplant list, but Carrie decides she does not want to go through another surgery and recovery time. 

Carrie likes to look online a realtor sites in her spare time. One night she finds a listing for a house listing right down the road from her deceased Grandmothers house. Carrie remembers lots of good times at her Grand Mothers home as a child and decides she wants this house. The house is dilapidated and will need lots of work. Carrie decides to jump on it before her health gets to bad. 

On her first visit to the house Carrie sees a woman on the porch and knows immediately she is a ghost. During Carries illness her heart had stopped once and she woke up with the ability to see ghosts. Once she goes to the house more she realizes there are actually 5 resident ghosts. The man who built the house, his wife, their maid and her son, and a soldier. Carrie talks to all the ghosts and let them know she is going to restore the house and open it as a Celebration house, where people can celebrate the happiest moments in their lives, weddings, birthdays, baby showers and more. She lets the ghosts know she is more then happy to share the house with them but they must behave round her guests. 

I think my favorite parts of the book were how the ghosts and Carrie get along. How they actually get to know each other. So much so Carrie even allows the ghosts to pick the wallpaper paint, light fixtures and more.  I would love to tell you more about this book but then it would spoil it for you. Grab is get comfortable and dive right in.  

About the Author:

Annette Drake is a multi-genre author whose work is character-driven and celebrates the law of unintended consequences.

She makes her home in Washington state. A member of the Romance Writers of America, she loves ferry rides, basset hounds and bakeries. She does not camp.

Blurb Blitz: Wild Card Undercover by Kari Lemor

Wild Card Undercover
by Kari Lemor


GENRE: Romantic Suspense



All that glitters in Miami is not gold . . .

Lured in by a bad ex-boyfriend and the moonlight of Miami, Meg O’Hara is trapped in a nightmare situation, waiting tables for a crime boss and fearing for her life. When undercover FBI agent Christopher Shaunessy offers her a way out, she seizes it. Getting the goods on Salazar Moreno might not be easy, but she’ll do anything to be freed from her servitude and Moreno’s sexual advances, even if it means moving in with the charismatic agent.

Chris Shaunessy pretends to be Meg’s lover in order to keep her safe, but he steels his heart against further involvement. Passion has no place in the sordid world of organized crime. And yet, the closer they get to cracking the case, the stronger his feelings for the spirited waitress shine. It’s a dangerous game he’s playing, and taking Meg in his arms for real could prove a fatal misstep . . .


Excerpt Two:

“Sorry,” she mumbled again, looking up. Big mistake. The stranger’s curious eyes captivated her. They were soft and tender and filled with something she could…trust? If she still had any of that left in her. His hands were gentle as they held her. A tiny smile played about the full lips she’d brazenly kissed. She couldn’t believe she’d done it. Her mother would be appalled. But it had worked.

The chlorine scent from the pool faded into the background as sweat and suntan lotion wafted off the man’s damp skin. Her stomach did cartwheels followed by a few back flips. Dangerous.

“Let me go,” she hissed as reality returned. She gave a swift shove at his well-defined pectorals, rushing to get past, to escape from this distraction and the possibility of being caught. Her head whipped around at the sound of a splash and water droplets from behind. Gorgeous was just breaking the surface of the pool. Had she pushed him that hard?

“Oops.” No time for apologies. He looked like the forgiving type. She had to blow this joint before the Pool Nazi came back. Grabbing her fallen sarong, she ran across the deck to hustle inside the luxury hotel.


The manager stood sentry near the front door. A crowd appeared at her back making that way impossible. The stairwell to the left would have to do. She’d go up a few floors then down to the side entrance. She wrapped her sarong around her as she carried out her plan to avoid being seen…and caught.

Meg should stop coming here to use the pool: this proved it. Sneaking in was adding to her already hellish life but swimming always helped work out the stress and the pool here was more accessible than any other on the strip. Pretending she had money to stay in a place like this, rubbing elbows with all the beautiful people, yeah, that got her through too. She’d learned the best times to come and not be seen. Well, for the most part. It was well worth the risk to get away from her dump of a room and its enchanting neighborhood. She’d leave this all behind her soon. She kept telling herself that. Had to believe it for her own sanity.

Footsteps behind her pushed those thoughts away. Her bare feet padded silently along the lushly carpeted hallway. Heart racing, she ducked into the ice machine alcove, her sigh echoing in the silence. She glanced down. Her bag? She must have dropped it as she rushed off. How had she not realized? It couldn’t have been the threat of being arrested. Or the crooked smile of the handsome stranger she’d kissed. The one with the kind eyes and gentle hands. No, she couldn’t allow herself to be led astray by a pretty face. Not again.

She continued down the hall, her trip cut short when someone grabbed her by the arm and spun her around.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kari Lemor was one of those children who read with a flashlight under the covers. Once she discovered her mom’s stash of romance novels, there was no other genre to even consider. For years, she had stories stewing in her mind, stories of love and happily ever after. But writing wasn’t something she ever liked in school. Of course, no one ever asked her to write a story about a couple falling in love. Now that her children are grown, she can concentrate on penning tales of dashing heroes who ride to the rescue and feisty heroines who have already saved themselves. Please visit her at and on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Links:

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Kari will be awarding a digital copy of the book on tour to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Wyatt Watkins and the Adder Stones (Wyatt Watkins #1) by Jacob Tate & Kate Callahan

The Animal Under The Fur by E.J. Mellow blitz

The Animal Under
E.J. Mellow
Publication date: March 30th 2017
Genres: Action, Adult, Romance

From award-winning author E. J. Mellow comes an action romance dripping with vengeful delight.

Orphaned on the streets as a baby, Nashville Brown, a.k.a Kill Operative 3, knows better than to rely on anyone. With heightened senses and superhuman strength to survive, she’s been raised as the perfect assassin.

The trick to her success? Keeping everyone, even her best friend, at arm’s length.

Losing his entire family in the span of a year, Carter Smith left his ability to love buried deep in their graves. His only concerns now are completing his missions and effortlessly charming the next temptress to warm his bed.

The key to his accomplishments? Working alone mixed with a Casanova smile.

But when a deadly weapon needs to be stopped from falling into the wrong hands, the lone wolves find themselves thrown into an explosive partnership. Can Carter and 3 lower their guns aimed at one another long enough to succeed, or will their unwillingness to compromise end up destroying more than their perfect records? Whatever their differences, both agree on one thing—in the game of lies and deceit, the line between friend and foe is often blurred by blood splatter.

The Animal Under The Fur is a hate-to-loath-to-love standalone novel filled with savagery, secrets, and enough angst to wrinkle the pages you’ll find gripped in your hands.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo

Author Bio:

E.J. Mellow is the award-winning author of the contemporary fantasy trilogy The Dreamland Series and The Animal Under The Fur. With a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts, E.J. Mellow splits her time between her two loves – visual design and writing. Residing in NYC, E.J. is a member of Romance Writers of America and their Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter. She has no animals but loves those who do.

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Standing His Ground: Greer Porter Brothers Trilogy #2 by Jamie Begley

Standing His Ground: Greer

Porter Brothers Trilogy #2
by Jamie Begley
Publication Date: March 31, 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

PurchaseAmazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & NobleiBooks | Kobo

The Porter brothers were raised to live and die by Three Rules.
One, a Porter always keeps what’s his.
Two, a Porter leaves no enemy standing.

Greer’s been searching for love in all the wrong places. He wants kids … and lots of them, so it’s time to get busy and find the lucky woman to share his bed and his life. Though there isn’t a lot to choose from in the small town of Treepoint, he has managed to narrow his choices down to three.

The strange thing is, the one he’s falling in love with remains a mystery, hiding her face and name in the messages she sends from behind her computer. The mysterious woman may dodge his questions about her identity, but it’s only a matter of time before she finds out that this Porter brother won’t back away from something he wants, and he wants her.

Come hell or high water, he will find the one who goes by KentuckyGirl and make her his, despite what anyone says, even her. And KentuckyGirl is going to find out the last Porter rule the hard way: A Porter always stands his ground and leads his prey into his waiting arms…

About Jamie Begley

“I was born in a small town in Kentucky. My family began poor, but worked their way to owning a restaurant. My mother was one of the best cooks I have ever known, and she instilled in all her children the value of hard work, and education.

Taking after my mother, I’ve always love to cook, and became pretty good if I do say so myself. I love to experiment and my unfortunate family has suffered through many. They now have learned to steer clear of those dishes. I absolutely love the holidays and my family puts up with my zany decorations.

For now, my days are spent writing, writing, and writing. I have two children who both graduated this year from college. My daughter does my book covers, and my son just tries not to blush when someone asks him about my books.

Currently I am writing five series of books- The Last Riders, The VIP Room, Predators MC, Biker Bitches, and The Dark Souls.

All my books are written for one purpose- the enjoyment others find in them, and the expectations of my fans that inspire me to give it my best.”

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Barbecue Sauces, Rubs, and Marinades--Bastes, Butters & Glazes, Too by Steven Raichlen

What a book. I was drooling before I finished looking through this book at all the wonderful recipes for rubs, sauces, marinades, and more.  In the first park of the book there is a wonderful section on bbq tools, definitions and more handy info.

I made bbq pork and used the extremely simple and delicious American 5-4-3-2-1 rub. My family loved it and it was so simple. 5 ingredients with 5 tablespoons or less, and I already had everything in my spice rack.  i also made some of the Garlic Mayo, my husband is in love with it.

This is really a great book to have whether you grill or not. If you like bbq you should really check out this book.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via to read and review.

Down by the Feed Mill by David Hanks

I have a thing for old barns and feed mills.. They are just beautiful to me. I love when my husband and I take trips and we see them in passing, I always try to snap pictures of them. This book is just filled with over 240 pictures of feed mills. The pictures are of the outsides and some David Hanks was able to go inside of and take pictures. There are also some historical pictures of some of the feed mills during their early years and a comparison against the pictures he took for the book. I also loved that not only were their pictures but there was also explanations of the feed mill industry and machinery. I also love how most of the pictures are in black and white. It really just adds to the beauty and the historical significance.  I was given a e-copy of this book but will be buying the hard copy as well.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via to read and review.

Sandwiches! by Alison Deering

This book is awesome.  I love how the book is broken up into skill levels. From skill 1 which are easy sandwiches like ham and cheese and PB&J to skill 5 which are more on the gourmet scale like Italian Beef.  Even if you are skill 5 you can learn new recipes from the other skill levels. There are also tons of tips and tricks throughout the book.  Like with the fish sandwich it tells you who and when it was invented, the number of Fish sandwiches sold by McDonald's the first month it was on the menu and things like that. The books shows you the ingredients of each sandwich and how to put it together. it also give tutorials like when you start level 4 it gives you a stove tutorial. The book seems to be written to and for older Children say 10 to 13 but as an adult I fund several delicious recipes.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via to read and review.

Te Quiero, Querido Dragon / I Love You, Dear Dragon by Margaret Hillert

I have read a couple of the Dear Dragon books by Margaret Hillert to the kids.  These books are exceptional. They do not just tell a story but she adds multiple lessons to the book. The book is written in both English and Spanish on the same page. The pictures are very inviting to little eyes. In this particular book the story is mainly about discovering the color Red, the pages show different red items, like a bird and a fire truck. It also has a safety lesson about the red light and it's' jobs.  Towards the end it also shows things about Valentine's day.  The words are easy for beginning reader's and the younger ones loved looking at all the busy pictures.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via to read and review.

You Are Three by Sara O'Leary

Very cute book about all the wonders and changes of being 3 years old. My Grandson loved this book we read it twice. He was able to relate to this things in the book like coloring pictures and playing with his stuffed animals.  It is a short books so great for a quick bedtime story or when you are just cuddling for a few minutes.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via to read and review.

The Land of Reverse: Where Sleep Is Just a Matter of Letting Yourself Go... by Dave Manousos

A really cute bedtime story for the little ones from ages I would say 3 to 6. The drawings are very busy and entertaining. The kids kept stopping me from turning the page so they could look at the pictures. The kids really enjoyed the story as well as the pictures. The story is written in rhyme. It is a very short story as well.

The story is about Sam who could not sleep one night. He let his mind wander to the Land of reverse. Everything Sam thought of  in reality was backwards. Your hands are your feet, cars drive on the sidewalk, the animals in the zoo have the humans caged and feed them.  Sam returns back to his bed happy and cannot wait to return to the Land of Reverse.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via to read and review.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Big & Fabulous: The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles Blog Tour


Author: Randi Sherman

Publisher: Friesen Press

Pages: 282

Genre: Humor Fiction

The time for BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of
Brenda Cankles
is now! The emphasis is on positive body image, Big &
Fabulous is a truly entertaining story that’s strongly written, funny,
insightful and bitingly smart. Inside it’s covers, readers will find no
shortage of acidly hilarious accounts of the highs and lows of living life
inside a big and fabulous body.

Imperfect, impervious and improving Brenda Cankles is an
unlikely heroine. Unfazed by the enduring censure of society, she is determined
to realize the fabulous life that she has always believed is her destiny.

Brenda’s story – written in unflinching first person – is
utterly unvarnished. Here, find a fantastically real person, sometimes
struggling to fit in, but mostly giving the rest of the world the mother-lovin’
bird. From her clunky childhood, through her stumbling yet optimistic
adolescence to her full figured and unapologetic emergence into adulthood.
Brenda is a special brand of warrior. She is big, bold and beautiful. While the
quirky cast of characters who surround her is eternally insistent that Brenda
live her life in the background and fit into society’s mold, she will have none
of it.

Author, Randi Sherman’s experience as a stand-up comedienne
is evident as she delivers, BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda
Cankles, the hilarious, often laugh-out-loud novel about the inner most thoughts
Brenda Cankles, a very real character who is confident and brave enough to
expect the world to accept her on her terms.

BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles is Sherman’s
fifth novel, her fourth THE LOBBY has won 17 Awards for Humor and General

Watch the book trailer at YouTube.


| Barnes
& Noble

Book Excerpt:

We have a big
job ahead of us. In elementary school, I will be "the fat kid" with a
wild imagination. In high school, I'll try to fit in but won't. I will be an
outcast, considered lumbering and awkward. No one, including my family, will expect
much from me because I won't be like the other girls. Being a big and a
bold  and a brash  girl, I will be  the focus   of
your attention as you advise me to stifle myself, adjust my enthusiasm, and be
grateful for any attention I  receive.
To  the
bullies and doubters, let me be the  first to  thank  you in
advance for continually reminding me that I have the potential to end up as
someone's dusty spinster aunt who shares a can of bargain tuna with seventeen
cats, or that weird neighbor you see but try desperately to  avoid.
Although it's
hard to believe, I will cherish our relation­ship because you, Society, will
never ignore me. I don't know what I will do or have done to garner so much of
your atten­tion and devotion. I'm sure you have other and more impor­tant
things to do, like creating jobs, housing the homeless,
raising money to cure cancer, and feeding the
hungry. But, no, you will dedicate television shows and magazine articles to
me, and spend your valuable time and energy compar­ing what it is
that you consider "perfect" to my reality and encourage me to change
into someone "typical." I know it will be exhausting for
I have to
admit that there will be times when my self-­esteem will be tested. Other
times, I'll be a non-believer, and want to give up, possibly disappointing you.
Because of
your often obsessive yet unwavering attention and dedication to making me aware
of my shortcomings­ or, worse, your condescending and hollow and self-serving
attempts to encourage me to accept my "inadequacies" and situation -
you will present me with a challenge. It will take all of my strength and
determination, but I will dig deep within myself to realize I have the
potential to be fabulous.
Like fine
wine, opera, and stinky cheese, I am valuable, an acquired taste, and, like all
treasures, I should be appreciated and celebrated.
Like it or
not, whether you intend it or not, I just might turn out to be a wise,
compassionate, creative, funny, gener­ous, and a kind person. You see, I have
the ability to learn and grow.
Yes, I am big
and I am bold, and I accept your challenge. Be forewarned. I will be a force to
be reckoned with because   I am special. I am beautiful and I am
a superhero. Now, get the fuck off my cape. I have things to do.
Merle  Cankles, "The Big One"

My Review:
As a not so little woman I found this book awesome. It is kind of like a Bible for fat girls. This book had me laughing and rethinking my attitude towards my body and closet. i love Randi M Sherman's attitude of writing. Parts of the book I felt kind of sorry for our heroine Brenda Cankles in the book and the way she was raised but I loved the way she basically over came it. I love the way she got beyond the size of her clothes as well. 

As a child I was not a super model myself and ow that I am grown  definitely not. I wear my extra large sized clothing more proudly now and I don't care what anyone else thinks. I think everyone who wears a size 12 and above should read this book. 

About the Author

Randi M Sherman is the award winning author of humorous
fiction books.
With an eye for detail, an ear for well-tuned dialogue and
an incredible grasp of the obvious, all honed while performing stand-up comedy
in Los Angeles and improvisational
theater in San Francisco, Sherman
adds just enough bawdiness to deliver character-driven contemporary novels that
will have the reader laughing, thinking and connecting with the characters in
her books.

A native Californian, Randi makes her home in California's
wine country. Trying her hand at country living Randi describes herself the Eva
Gabor of the Sonoma/Napa area.

Randi earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from Chapman



NBTM Tour: Call to Honor by Tawny Weber

Call to Honor: A SEAL Brotherhood Novel, #1
by Tawny Weber


GENRE:  Contemporary Romance



“No man left behind” is inscribed in the DNA of every SEAL and Lieutenant Diego Torres is no exception. But with a team member killed—and the body missing— Diego’s honor is sorely tested. Now his career and reputation are on the line, and a traitor is hiding among them. Diego wants answers...and only one woman has them.

Single mom Harper Maclean has two priorities—raising her son Nathan and starting a new life. Her mysterious new neighbor may be impossibly charming, but Diego asks too many questions about her past—and about the father of her child. Questions she fears will reveal her burning attraction for Diego, and ultimately put them all in danger’s path.


Excerpt Two:

IT PAYS TO be a winner.

And Diego Torres was a big believer in winning.

But it was the winning that he liked.

The competition.

The thrill of testing his skills, pushing his limits. Of knowing he was better than his adversary.

Yeah. He liked knowing he was the best.

He didn’t do it for reward.

Especially not when the reward came by way of the pomp and pageantry of a ceremony like today. Standing onstage in front of the various platoons that made up SEAL Team 7, listening to Admiral Cree pontificate was a pain in the ass. What made it worse wasn’t the couple hundred sets of eyes inspecting him or the discomfort of his dress whites, too tight across the shoulders.

It was the damned shoes. Diego’s toes pinched in the mirror-bright black patent leather, begging him to flex. He didn’t, of course. Not while standing at attention. But damn. Give him a pair of combat boots any day.

As the sun baked through his cap and the heat of the morning swirled around, he wondered what yahoo had decided to hold this ceremony outdoors. And why it felt so much hotter standing in the San Diego sun in whites than it did in the Afghan desert in full combat gear. Probably because combat gear fit him better.

Diego had spent a large portion of his life fighting over the wrong things. He’d fought over turf. He’d fought over gang colors. Hell, if the mood struck, he’d have fought over just how blue the sky was. It’d taken a bullet barely missing his heart to clue him in to the fact that maybe the things he was fighting over simply weren’t worth dying for.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of more than forty books, Tawny Weber loves writing about sexy heroes, most notably her popular Navy SEALs series.  Her sassy, emotional romances are filled with men dedicated to being the best—and women determined to have the best.  Tawny credits her ex-military alpha husband for inspiration in her writing, and in her life.   The recipient of numerous writing accolades, including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice and in addition to the NY Times and USA Today bestseller lists, Tawny has also hit the number one spot on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  

A homeschooling mom, Tawny enjoys scrapbooking, gardening and spending time with her family and dogs in her Northern California home.

You can find Tawny on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.   

Call to Honor :

Interview with Tawny Weber

Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
I did have two imaginary friends when I was young.  They were ghosts and lived in the walls of my bedroom.  Their names were Pinky and Blue (not very original, I know) and they were always there with great advice and a shoulder to cry on.  When I was 6 and ran away to live in the tree in the front yard, they went with me.  

Do you have any phobias?
Oh, so many.  On good days, I like to credit them to my vivid imagination.  

Do you listen to music when you're writing?
I do –I create a playlist for every book I write. Or in the case of CALL TO HONOR, the playlist has spanned the first three books in the Team Poseidon series.  You can check it out at

Do you ever read your stories out loud?
No.  I don’t listen to books on tape, either.  I’m just not a strong auditory ‘reader’ so it’s not something that clicks for me.  That said, I don’t read my books after they’re published, either.  In part because I’m usually pretty deep into a new story by the time the last one is out, but also because I’d want to revise or tweak or change things and not being able to would bug me.  

Tell us about your main character and who inspired him/her.
My hero, Lt. Diego Torres is the main focus of CALL TO HONOR.  Most of his personality and backstory are from my imagination, but his sense of honor and determination are inspired by my husband.  He has such a passionate belief in honor, in respect and in doing the right thing because its right. So as Diego’s honor was challenged, I asked myself how my husband would deal with it, how he’d feel about it, and drew from that to create Diego’s reactions.  I hope they came through as strongly as I’d imagined them.   



Tawny will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.